Blog — clone a willy
On the second episode of Date Crashing with UpDating hosts Harrison and Brandon they crash yet another random date on the streets of NYC! On this vegan first date, sparks are flying and fashion choices are questions...
March Hoescopes 🔮
Spring is around the corner and we're all wading our way through Mercury in Retrograde (only a couple more days)! Our resident Sexologist, Six, has some fresh self-affirmations to help us be our best damn selves this month!
Absolutely Blake Molds His Face 😱
Our buddy Blake used our DIY molding materials to mold his whole face!
Date Crashing with UpDating ~ Episode 1
UpDating hosts Harrison and Brandon crash a random date in NYC on behalf of Clone-A-Willy and send them home with a surprise that's sure to spice up the evening!
Valentine’s Day: The Gender Reveal
Valentine’s Day is a special milestone unlike any other time during earth’s never-ending struggle laps around the sun. Zoom in on this Google Earth, and take in the splendor of the curious human race. You will find each specimen is totally engrossed in… ahhhh, a traditional makeout seshbreeding! (in this...
Hoescopes ~ February 🔮
This month we are celebrating soul searching, self-realization, and prioritizing our most valuable relationship -- the one with ourselves. 🌹 Our amazing resident Sexstrologer, Six, has some necessary mantras for us to shake off the last bits of winter lethargy, deepen our community connections, and look forward to the warmth...
Clone-A-Willy Interview in
Washington Square Park NYC
Our pal Arielle Kaplan (@whoregasmic on IG) interviewed folks in Washington Park NYC on behalf of the Clone-A-Willy team!
Sexual Resolutions 🥂
When we make our New Year's resolutions, we most often focus on either our physical or mental health. We want to go on diets, get more exercise, read more, or be more spontaneous, while our sex lives are rarely considered. Can we stop pretending like sexual health isn’t a...
Happy HOElidays ~ A Sexy Holiday Playlist 🎶
We've put together a special playlist for all our HOEliday elves ~ stay sexy this season with songs that are sure to make the naughty list! 🧨
Spread The Love ~ DIY Molding
Kits That Bring You Closer 👼
Our Clone-A-Willy and Clone-A-Pussy DIY molding kits create space for craft, laughter, vulnerability, and intimacy that will bring you closer (with yourself or with that special someone)! Your part is art after all. Pro tip: The penis and vulva replicas made with...
12 Tips for Making a Copy of Your Penis
We realize that making a copy of your dick is something you probably don't do every day. The penis molding process can be a new and sometimes intimidating experience. When's the last time you stuck...
Cannabis, STI Awareness, and Sex Ed:
A Conversation With Lady Business 🧠
Here in Portland, we are #blessed to be surrounded by a plethora of badass babes! Creative babes, tech babes, business babes, foodie babes, educational babes, you name it, we have them. We have had the pleasure (pun intended) of working with the local social movement Lady...
Hoescopes ~ November 🔮
In this month's run of our new sexy astrology column HoeScopes written by Six, The Sextrologer, we're focusing on self care! November is kicking off with intense #CuffingSzn vibes. With the Sun, Mercury retrograde and Venus all in the deep and sultry sign of...
Weed And Sex: A Conversation
With Ladies Of Paradise 🌳
Here at Clone-A-Willy HQ, we love to collaborate with other local Portland businesses, especially if they're also female-run. One of our favorite teams to work with are the lovely ladies over at Ladies of Paradise, a cannabis creative agency and brand house. Read more
Sex Expo Recap ~ Best Looks 🔥
We had a blast at the Sex Expo earlier this month in NYC and were so blown away by all the gorgeous people we got to meet! We've compiled our favorite looks from the event for your viewing pleasure ~ enjoy 💞
Give Yourself Some Extra Love ~ You Deserve It 💖
Gif by Bea Crespo Today is World Mental Health Day! While we should advocate against the social stigma of mental illness every day, having a day on our calendars makes space to shed a little extra light on global mental health...
Introducing ~ HoeScopes 🔮
We're excited to announce our HoeScopes! Tune in seasonly for your dose of sexy astrology realness 💋
It's Time To Talk About Low Libido
Ultimately the goal is pleasure, joy and release. You’re not forcing yourself to have sex, it’s not something that feels heavy on you but more of an extension of an expression of love in the for, of pleasure. A sacred space that you get to share with another person, multiple...
Shop IRL at the NYC Sex Expo!
We are excited to be attending the NYC Sex Expo this month! Come visit our booth and shop all our products IRL September 21st and 22nd at the Brooklyn EXPO Center. We are excited to have some amazing deals for all the Sex Expo attendees --...
F*ck You, Pay Me
When we think of sex work in general, many people seem to hold onto the stigma that to engage in it you have some seedy, dark side to you. That you are in the work against your will or that you are damaged and stuck in the work....
Clone A Pussy Plus+ Demo Video
Presenting the second video in our new demo series: the Clone A Pussy Plus+ Kit. The Clone A Pussy Plus+ Kit is a fully functional, custom pocket pussy, and the...
Clone-A-Willy Plus+ Balls Kit Demo Video
It's finally here! The demo video for the Clone-A-Willy Plus+ Balls Kit! We're constantly striving to make our kits easier to use, and the biggest part of that is making sure our instructions are clear and streamlined. To achieve...
Unique Bachelorette Party Ideas
Bachelorette parties have become so popular that sometimes more planning goes into the bachelorette party than the wedding itself! It’s a celebration where you and all your friends are guaranteed to have an amazing time. While there are all sorts of ways that you can celebrate with your girlfriends, here...
These verbal indiscretions are not limited to men — I’m sure they simply can’t be. I am, though, a heterosexual transgender woman who is attracted to men. At one time, I myself played the part of a homosexual man — A contrived, tedious, and lackluster performance. For awhile,...
AIDS/LifeCycle Pride Ride
This Pride Month, it’s important to reflect on how far the LGBTQ community has come since the Stonewall uprising, but also how far there is still to go before true equality is experienced by all. A majority of LGBTQ individuals have faced discrimination while seeking medical care, which is even...
Doctor Climax’s Molding Tips
Some tips and a review from Doctor Climax! "The Clone A Willy received my full attention the first moment I found out about it. The ability to make a 1:1 replica of my own willy satisfied both my ego and my need to find my wife a good gift for an...
Self-Care for Your Sexual Health
Spring is a time for awakening so it should come as no shock that Women’s Health Month AND Masturbation month are both celebrated in May. This month, we want women everywhere to take some time out to practice self-care and self-love in both the bedroom and in wellness. Keep reading...
Clone-A-Willy (As Seen on TV)
See just HOW durable our kits really are!
Spring Fling Checklist
Cuffing Season noun. slang. the period of autumn and winter, when single people are considered likely to seek settled relationships rather than engage in casual affairs. We all know it, our friends are getting cuffed up left and right. Posting pictures of their blossoming...
Group Sex Tips & Tricks:
What's Missing From Other Lists
Whether you find yourself gearing up for a lowkey threesome or the kink event of the century, group sex is all the rage that everyone seems to be trying out. We know to be courteous and clean, but what is going to catch you off guard? Many other lists...
Erotic Feast: Eating Out In NYC
This month, we were honored to sponsor a sexy supper in New York City. The beautiful minds at Erotic Feast have a mission of love: guide participants out of the everyday city experience, into a sensual awakening. Their inaugural event was Eating Out, an "edible education in all dimensions of...
Celebrate Women's Month With Us!
We celebrated Women's Month with Ladies of Paradise last night for an evening of self-care through tarot, nail art, do-yourself cookie decoration, CBD massages, an awesome give-away, and an amazing amount pf love and laughter!
The Sex-Having Person's Survival
Guide to Dating an Asexual
When my ace partner becomes sexually aroused, I feel like the most special kiddo who gets to blow on some lit birthday candles-- except nowadays it’s a penis. This is the pilot of a sitcom and I stare into the camera, mid-handjob, frozen...
Clean Your Toys:
They’ll Thank You and So Will Your Genitals
Do you shower? Do you change your underwear? Do you wash your dishes? Most likely (hopefully) the answer is YES, which is why it should be a no-brainer to regularly clean your sex toys! Just in case you're still working on toning those sex hygiene muscles, we have five simple tips...
The Only Valentine's Guide
You Need in 2019
In any capacity, small or grand, make a gesture of appreciation for the one you love, your crush, your side chick, your baby momma, your baby daddy, or your IRL actual momma! Do it for the ex you never got over or for your recently divorced and alone...
Be the Powerful Pussy You
Want to See in the World
Take the power into your own damn hands.
That's A Wrap :
Our Favorite Customer Moments From 2018
Every year we get tons of suggestions, praise, constructive criticism, and our favorite - personal stories of love, sex, craft, and how our kits have impacted relationships of all types! So we decided to share some of our favorites with you!
Have A Not-So-Silent Night
with these Holiday Sex Facts!
Perhaps it’s the cold weather, or the joyous holiday spirit, but December is also the most popular time of year for sex!
Zoe Ligon Molds Her Hand!
Our pal Zoe Ligon, friend of the brand and owner of Spectrum Boutique recently molded her hand with our kit!
A Few Questions with
Dame Products
We had a chat with co-founder of Dame Products...
Our Clone-A-Pussy+ Plus Sleeve Kit Nominated for 2019 Xbiz Awards
We're so excited to have our newest product, Clone-A-Pussy Plus Sleeve Kit (launching soon) nominated for the 2019 XBIZ Awards! Vote for us on Industry voting opens Nov. 21 and ends at midnight on Nov. 30.
Mold one, mold all
Our kits allow people to mold so much more than vulvas and penis'. Although we created a product that makes replicating those things super simple and fun, our molding kits can be used to copy a large variety of things in several shades of silicone colors!
Our very first interview ~
Penthouse 2001
We're throwing it way back with this post. Seventeen years back to be specific, back in the early aughts of our cock casting endeavors. Check out our first official article from the February 2001 issue of Penthouse Magazine.
Back to Our Roots ~
Clone-A-Willy Circa 1996
Guess what? Our company was born in the summer of 1996, so we decided to create a homage to that magical time!
The Eroticism of Data
Last month, Berlin’s Museum der Dinge hosted a lecture given by Judith A. Allen of the Kinsey Institute called “The Eroticism of Data: Alfred C. Kinsey, Sampling, & cultural representations” to support their exhibition “the Eroticism of Things”....
Bits & Pieces ~ a photo narrative
A photo narrative photographed by Colette Pomerleau & modeled by Jazmine Mira Rosier
Erika Lust in Los Angeles: A Visual Recap
As Erika approached the stage, nodding and smiling at the standing ovation, she looked overcome with elation. She spoke about her role as an erotic film director, gracefully identifying porn as a discourse that connects sexuality, gender roles, and power play. The energy in the room was tangible, it filled...
Berlin Feminist Film Week 2018:
Fattitude Screening & Discussion Review
A couple Saturday's ago, the Berlin Feminist Film week hosted a screening and panel discussion in Neukölln’s CRCLR House for Fattitude, a documentary created by Lindsey Averill and Viri Lieberman that “exposes how popular culture fosters fat prejudice and then...
Find us at: XConfessions LA
We're beyond excited to be attending XConfessions LA this coming weekend presented by the Berlin Film Society, and can't wait to witness all the amazing work that Erika Lust will be showcasing! Keep up with us on our...