Clone A Pussy Plus+ Demo Video

Presenting the second video in our new demo series: the Clone A Pussy Plus+ Kit.
The Clone A Pussy Plus+ Kit is a fully functional, custom pocket pussy, and the newest addition to the Clone-A-Willy family. After many years of careful research and development from our team, you can finally clone it and bone it!
Watch a curated overview of making the kit below:
The Clone A Pussy Plus+ Sleeve Kit has been a smashing success so far in the introductory Hot Pink shade, and we know you want more. We're working on bringing all the skin tones to you ASAP, followed by a range of novelty colors soon after.
Thanks again to Serpent Power Productions and the rest of the cast and crew for all the help with this video!
Actor ~ Lisa Chiem
Music ~ Pond5
And remember-- for detailed, step-by-step instructions, please refer to the directions included with every Clone A Pussy Plus+ Sleeve Kit!