12 Tips for Making a Copy of Your Penis

We realize that making a copy of your dick is something you probably don't do every day. The penis molding process can be a new and sometimes intimidating experience. When's the last time you stuck your erect penis into a tube full of luke-warm molding goo? Never mind. Don't answer that.
Whether you are a DIY clone kit newbie or a penis cloning pro, we are here for you every step of the way! We've come up with 12 tips to help you make sure your homemade dildo is perfect:
1. Read the instructions completely before starting and watch our tutorial video. Make sure you're familiar with the water temperature requirements and time limits on the instructions before making your mold (we recommend reading instructions a couple of times). You don't want to be reading the next step while trying to measure the water temperature, measure the water volume, stirring the molding gel, and maintaining an erection. Once the molding powder and water touch it's go-time! In fact, in a perfect world, you don't want to be doing anything except trying to maintain an erection, which is why we recommend our next tip.
2. Consider asking your romantic partner, friend with benefits, or even that overly friendly neighbor to lend you a hand! Have your sexy helper do the mixing of the powder and water. This is maybe the best piece of advice we can offer while using our clone kit. Have someone else measure the temperature and volume of the water while you think sexy thoughts, watch a naughty film, or anything else that gets you going.
3. Have an extra bag or two of powder on hand. Having an extra bag or two of powder can help take the pressure off and help you maintain something worthy of a clone. You can buy extra bags of powder here.
4. Try the tube on before mixing the powder and water. Cut the tube to size, insert your penis, and press it against your body. Do you fit comfortably? Find a position you can stand in where your penis doesn't touch the sides. If you're curved and can't fit in the tube without touching the side, try following these ideas.
5. Make sure the water temperature is correct using the thermometer that is included with our kit. Warmer water can make the alginate solidify too quickly, so pour the water (straight from the faucet) into your mixing bowl and double-check the temperature before you add the powder, it should be 90 degrees on the dot! (Note: 90 degree water is close to body temperature and should feel lukewarm.) Again, the second the molding powder and the water touch, it's go time!
6. Don't use over carpet! The molding gel is super easy to clean up once it solidifies as long as any spillage hits a hard surface. Linoleum, tile, wood, concrete... you get the idea.
7. No need to shave for our product! But putting vaseline on your pubes will make the mold more comfortable to remove. The finished mold is very soft and flexible, so there's no risk of "getting stuck" in the mold, but it can grab your pubic hair and might take a little finesse to remove. Vaseline just makes it easier.
8. Bend at the waist to insert. Once you've poured the molding gel into the tube, hinge forward, so your erect penis points down a little. Insert the head of your penis and press the tube against your body as you stand up, creating a seal that will help hold the molding gel inside until it solidifies. You can still adjust yourself before the mold sets, so don't panic and lose your boner.
9. Take a breather and relax. Once your member is in the tube, think of the sexiest thing possible and try to keep your erection for the next 60-90 seconds or so. This is a good opportunity to enlist the help of your sexy lab assistant!
BONER TIP: Use a penis pump, cock ring, and lube if it helps. We offer all of these on our site and they are great resources and products that can be reused in the future!
10. When the alginate has solidified you'll feel it gel around you. Once that happens you can slowly pull/wiggle the tube away from your body. It's totally normal (and expected) for some molding material to spill onto the floor, but it will peel off any hard surface for easy clean-up!
11. Mix the silicone well and pour slowly into your mold. The slower you pour the less air bubbles will appear in the final dildo. Once you have poured in all the silicone tap the bottom of the tube on the counter to force any extra air bubbles to the surface!
12. Don't stress! Our customer service team is here to help! If you mess up, you can buy extra bags of powder here. You can also email us with any questions or issues at questions@empirelabs.com We're always happy to help.