Clean Your Toys:
They’ll Thank You and So Will Your Genitals

Do you shower? Do you change your underwear? Do you wash your dishes? Most likely (hopefully) the answer is YES, which is why it should be a no-brainer to regularly clean your sex toys! Just in case you're still working on toning those sex hygiene muscles, we have five simple tips that'll leave your silicone babes sparkling!
#1 Find out what your toy is made of.
If you are using one of our Clone-A-Willy or Clone-A-Pussy kits, your finished clone will be made of medical grade, 100% platinum-cure, pure silicone. Pure silicones are nonporous, and extremely easy to clean and care for.
But beware, all silicones are not created equally. Some sex toys are made of low-quality silicone, or other materials that resemble silicone but are not completely body-safe. Take a sniff-- if your toy has a strong smell, that's a red flag that it might not be body-safe!
Here are some more tips from Women's Health on cleaning your sex toy based on its material.
#2 Take note if your toy (or part of your toy) is waterproof or water-resistant.
If it's water-resistant, you can splash it. If it's waterproof, you can submerge it. The finished replicas from our molding kits are water-resistant, not waterproof. So if you wish to submerge your Clone, remove the vibrator to keep the electrical components dry. To remove the vibrator, wiggle it back and forth while pulling on the silicone Clone. It may stick a little, but it will come out. Once removed, clean it by simply wiping it down with soap and warm water or rubbing alcohol.
Regardless of which toy you are aiming to clean, take a peep at the box and manual it came in. It should state just how much water your sexy little friend can handle.
#3 Pick the right toy cleaner for you.
While a simple combination of soap and water will absolutely suffice to disinfect your toy of choice, some soaps yield much better results than others. Try to steer clear of antibacterial soaps, as they tend to leave a residue behind. Instead, opt for an unscented dish soap!
You can also choose to purchase a cleaner that is made specifically for sex toys. There's tons out there to choose from, but make sure you read the label-- it's best to aim for a cleaner that is safe for both you and your toy. Our top pick is our JO H2O Foaming Toy Cleaner: it's fragrance-free, paraben-free, safe for all toy materials, and gentle on skin during use. Click HERE to shop.
#4 Clean your toys every time you use them.
You may be asking yourself, "okay, but how often should I clean my toys?" The answer is AFTER EVERY USE.
How often do you wash a dish after it's been used, or clean your dirty underwear? Most likely, every single time. Same goes for sex toys! Leaving your toys and their hardware coated in lube and your special love butter can lead to a shorter lifespan for your (often expensive!) bedroom accessories. Treat your toys with love and they'll return the favor!
PRO TIP: If cleaning in general seems like too much of a pain and you use your toy often, you can always put a latex condom over it. Just be sure to use a new condom each time you switch from one person to the next, or from one sexual area to another.
#5 Choose the best way to store your toys.
Note that for overall cleanliness, storing your Clone-- or any sex toy-- in a dry, clean place is important. As long as it’s kept clean, a box or bag made of virtually any material will work just fine.
Be sure to completely dry your Clone before storing it to discourage mold and mildew. If there are other toys in your box/bag, keep each item separated, as some materials are not compatible with one another, and may cause melting or discoloration when exposed to extreme heat, cold, or direct sunlight. Lastly, if storing for extended periods, remove the batteries so they can't leak.
Looking for a great way to store your toys in style, separate toys in a larger storage area, or keep your toys clean and safe on the go? Try a reusable carry-all pouch! They are discreet and essentially look like a simple toiletry bag.
We love these pouches from HappySexFace!
Have other tips and tricks for keeping your sex toys clean and happy? Comment below, we'd love to hear them!