The Ultimate Guide to Molding Your Penis or Vulva!

We realize that making a copy of your penis or vulva is something you probably don't do every day! The DIY molding process can be a new and sometimes intimidating experience. When's the last time you stuck your bits into a vessel of lukewarm molding goo? Never mind. Don't answer that!
Whether you are a clone kit newbie or a seasoned molding pro, we are here for you every step of the way! We've compiled all of the most vital tips and tricks that we've discovered over the last 25 years of business so you prepare for the best molding experience possible. Your part is fine art. Now get molding!
Tip #1: Read The Directions Several Times Before Starting
"TLDR" doesn't really work with our moldings kits unless you want to thoroughly stress yourself out! Even though it takes a little more time to read them in full than to do a quick skim, you'll be happy you read through our instructions thoroughly before starting to mold. You can also watch our tutorial videos and peep all our other helpful resources in the How-To section of our site!
Creating a Clone-A-Willy or Clone-A-Pussy is a fast-paced process and is very time and temperature-sensitive. Embrace your slutty made scientist moment and make sure you're familiar with the water temperature requirements and time limits on the instructions before making your mold. You don't want to be reading the next step while measuring the water temperature, measuring the water volume, stirring the molding gel, and maintaining an erection all at the same time.
PRO TIP: Ensure the water temperature is correct using the thermometer included with our kit. The water you combine with the powder must be 90 degrees F on the dot. 90 degree F water is close to body temperature and should feel lukewarm! Anything hotter will cause the molding powder to solidify too quickly. Pour the water (straight from the faucet) into your mixing bowl and double-check the temperature before adding the powder. If you want to buy yourself a little extra time, you can have the water be a few degrees cooler, but those molding a penis will need to sustain an erection a bit longer. Once the molding powder and water touch, it's GO-TIME!
Tip #2: Enlist The Assistance Of A Sexy Helper
If possible, you don't want to do anything besides maintain an erection (or find your zen while squatting to replicate your vulva). This is where a sexy helper comes in! We realize having a partner or friend help with the molding experience isn't an option for everyone, but if it is, you will greatly appreciate their help in creating your sexy replica!
Consider asking your romantic partner, friend with benefits, or even that overly friendly neighbor to lend you a hand! Have your sexy helper do the mixing of the powder and water. This is maybe the best piece of advice we can offer while using our clone kit. Have someone else measure the temperature and volume of the water while you think sexy thoughts, watch a naughty film, or anything else that gets you going!
Take a breather and relax. Once your member is in the tube, think sexy thoughts and try to keep your erection for the next 60-90 seconds or so. This is an excellent opportunity to enlist the help of your sexy lab assistant!
BONER TIP: Use a penis pump, cock ring, and lube if it helps. We offer all of these on our site and they are great resources and products that can be reused in the future!
Tip #3: It Never Hurts To Have Extra Molding Powder On Hand
Our molding powder refills are a great thing to have on hand in case you need an extra try! They can also ease any stress you might have about the fast-paced process, which will make sustaining an erection more manageable and the overall experience more enjoyable. Add an extra bag or two of powder to your Clone-A-Willy or Clone-A-Pussy order here!
PRO TIP: Make sure to select the correct molding powder or silicone refill option from the drop-down menu to the right of the product listing before adding to your cart.
Tip #4: Size Yourself Up
Try the tube on before mixing the powder and water. Cut the tube to size, insert your penis, and press it against your body. Do you fit comfortably? Find a position you can stand in where your penis doesn't touch the sides. If you're curved and can't fit in the tube without touching the side, try following these ideas for cutting the tube to fit your unique angle.

Tip #5: Choose The Right Place To Complete Your Mold
While the molding process is simple, it's also very messy! The molding gel is super easy to clean up once it solidifies as long as any spillage hits a hard surface. Choose a room with floors made of linoleum, tile, wood, concreate, etc., and don't use over the carpet. This will make it easy to simply peel any alginate spillage off the floor or sweep it into the trash!
Set the mood. Whether you are having a solo self-care night or a steamy date night, create an ambiance for your unique experience. Play some sensual music, light a candle, pour yourself a nice glass of wine, you can even take a bubble bath after you are done molding!
Tip #6: Vaseline Is Your Pubes Best Friend
Contrary to popular belief (thanks to the movie Neighbors), there is no need to shave to use our products! How you groom yourself downstairs is entirely up to you and the level of definition you want for your mold. One thing you can do is to put vaseline on your pubes, which will make the mold more comfortable to remove. The finished mold is very soft and flexible, so there's no risk of "getting stuck" in the mold, but it can grab your pubic hair and might take a little finesse to remove. Vaseline just makes it easier!
Tip #7: Have Extra Material On-Hand If You Are Well Endowed
Congratulations, your johnson is larger than average! We think willies of all shapes and sizes are perfect, but you are a rarity if your D is too big for our penis molding kits. While massive schlongs are the norm in most mainstream porn, the average size of an erect penis is 5.16 inches!
Although Clone-A-Willy kits were created with the average penis in mind, we know outliers exist, and, as always, we are here to help.
If the penis being molded is larger than average (or what we consider XL based on our size chart), we suggest purchasing extra molding powder before using your Clone-A-Willy kit. You may also need extra silicone -- over the years of selling our DIY molding kits, we've found that extra silicone is often required for penises 9 inches or over. However, each penis is unique, and several factors come into play (girth, curve, etc.). Depending on each individual willy, extra silicone can sometimes be needed if it is less than 9 inches.
We also sell an XL Vibrator that can be useful in adequately displacing silicone for replicas of larger willies. It is the same vibrator that comes with our Clone-A-Willy kit, just BIGGER!
A common misconception is that our Clone-A-Willy Plus+ Balls Kits are created for XL willies. But that's false! The "Plus" in "Plus+ Balls" signifies that particular molding kits function of making a replica of BOTH the penis shaft AND the balls. Our Clone-A-Willy molding tube is 11 inches long and 2.5 inches wide. While we only offer one tube size, a great alternative option is to use a plastic water bottle with the top cut off. Simply pick one out around the house or at your local grocery store that seems like a good fit! (We've had lots of feedback that Smart Water bottles are a great shape and size for this)
Tip #8: Feel It Out
Once a penis is inserted, or the molding cup is pressed against a vulva, you should have enough time to adjust to make sure your parts are centered in the mold! For our Clone-A-Pussy Plus+ Sleeve kit, you want to make sure the vaginal opening is centered so it will line up correctly with the Wedge Piece that creates the opening in the final mold. For willies, it is important to rotate the tube to make sure it is as centered as possible and not touching the sides at all.
When the alginate has solidified, you'll feel it gel around you. Once that happens, you can slowly pull/wiggle the tube or molding cup away from your body. It's totally normal (and expected) for some molding material to spill onto the floor; like we said above, it will peel off any hard surface for easy clean-up!
Tip #9: Mix The Silicone's Well & Pour Slowly
In order to create the best possible replica of your parts, you want to make sure to mix both sides of the silicone together very well. You also want to pour the silicone into your mold as slowly as possible. The slower you pour, the fewer air bubbles will appear in the final dildo. Once you have poured in all the silicone, tap the bottom of the tube on the counter to force any extra air bubbles to the surface!
Tip #10: Practice Makes Perfect
Our molding kits are a bit of a sext science project and can sometimes take a couple of tries to get just right! It's not every day you mold your penis or vulva, after all! This is why we sell all of our materials separately on our site. Our molding powder refills are handy in case you need an extra try and can also ease any stress you might have about the fast-paced process. Part of the fun is trying your hand at a new craft. Once you get it down, you'll be a DIY molding pro!
Tip #11 Use Our Silicone Refills To Create Your Own Custom Colorway
Our silicone refills are a great add-on to utilize as they can help create successful molds for XL willies and can also be used to make multiple replicas out of one mold if you have them on hand!
Our silicone refills are also super fun because they can be mixed together to make unique dildo colorways! The options are endless when mixing our 9 silicone colors. You can tweak a skin tone to feel a little bit more like you by combining any of the three skin tone options together or create a multi-colored, layered, swirled, and unique replica that is all your own!
Tip #12: Give It A trim
Once your penis or vulva replica is complete, you can remove it from the mold and give it a little rinse. Even when following all the steps perfectly, there can be minor imperfections or air bubbles on the silicone surface. This is an easy fix! Grab a pair of sharp scissors and simply trim off any excess silicone that you want to remove. Voila! Your clone is ready to be used!
Tip #13: Keep Your Replica Clean
Congrats, your replica is made of 100% platinum-cure silicone and is completely body-safe and non-porous! Once the silicone is solidified, your toy will most likely outlive you (hello aliens from the year 3021). To extend its life and keep it body-safe, you need to clean it after every use! That's right, you heard us -- EVERY. SINGLE. TIME!
While a simple combination of soap and water will absolutely suffice to disinfect your toy of choice, some soaps yield much better results than others. Try to steer clear of antibacterial soaps, as they tend to leave a residue behind. Instead, opt for unscented dish soap!
You can also choose to purchase a cleaner that is made specifically for sex toys. There are tons out there to choose from, but make sure you read the label. It's best to aim for a cleaner that is safe for both you and your toy. Our top pick is our JO H2O Foaming Toy Cleaner: it's fragrance-free, paraben-free, safe for all toy materials, and gentle on the skin during use.
PRO TIP: If cleaning your replica every time you use it seems like too much of a pain and you use your toy often, you can always put a latex condom over it. Just be sure to use a new condom each time you switch from one person to the next or from one sexual area to another.
Tip #14: Stay In Touch
We want to hear from you. We value all of our customer's experiences and love to hear how you are getting creative with our products! Make sure to follow us on all social platforms (linked at the bottom of this page) and subscribe to our weekly email newsletter to be in the know for all sales, giveaways, events, and new products!
Our customer service team is here to help! Never hesitate to email us with any questions or issues at We're always happy to help.