Hoescopes ~ February 🔮

This month we are celebrating soul searching, self-realization, and prioritizing our most valuable relationship -- the one with ourselves. 🌹 Our amazing resident Sexstrologer, Six, has some necessary mantras for us to shake off the last bits of winter lethargy, deepen our community connections, and look forward to the warmth to come!
I am doing a little soul searching; I am finding the value in being still. I am allowing myself to receive messages from powers higher than myself, even if the news is not what I want to hear. I am surrendering myself to the possibility that I will not know the outcome of scenarios until I live them out. With that in mind, I am refocusing my attention on that in which I can control. I am surrounding myself with my friends and family, seeking purpose and community from individuals who feed my soul and fulfill my needs. I am beginning to see how my ideas and patterns have developed. I am digging deeper and becoming aware of my romantic habits and taking note of whose needs I put before my own. I am allowing space to explore and unpack fantasies and to deepen my understanding of my lived experiences. I am paying closer attention to my bluntness, my anger, and the jokes I make as life goes on.
I love where I am going; I am in love with the legacy I am developing for myself. With that, I would be nothing if not for the people who came before me. I am the collection of memories, ideas, risks, sacrifices, laughter, loss, and tears. I am proud of where I came from, so I am continuing to water my roots so I can bloom. I am open to learning ancient wisdom, even changing the way I manage my physical space. I know how to achieve success. I am committed to failure, committed to loss, committed to sacrifice, and committed to success. Life is a collection of experiences, and there are many more to come. I am holding space for the new, I appreciate the old, and together I see innovations in my life.
I am revisiting the hallways of my mind, going through the yearbook that is my memories. I am unpacking my education, both formally and informally. People may not realize that I am dualistic in my thinking because my lessons came from a different time. I am learning how to marry my two worlds, how to make the best of what I know, and utilize it to help me grow. I am taking a more in-depth look at the friends I attract and accumulate, reflecting on how I recycle the same experiences and scenarios. I am taking note of my childhood dreams and goals, looking to my community to act as reminders. We all need someone; I needed someone. It is the work I have done with my inner child that will propel me into the next stage of my personal development. I am activating my dreams and having fun re-discovering new ones in the process.
I am dealing with a lot right now, and I am not weak for acknowledging when life feels heavy. I am learning how to roll with the punches. Eventually, I will come out of this phase stronger. With Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter, and the South Node having interacted with my Cancerian energy throughout the year -- it is understandable that I have felt overwhelmed through the process of maintaining and unpacking. I am actively allowing myself the ability to be patient with myself, which means continuing my self-care practices and routines. The Universe may be handing me a lot; my community might still be weaving and changing. However, it is through these experiences that I grow. I am leaning into my spiritual practices and creative endeavors while focusing on the light at the end of the tunnel. I am finding support within my community, which means reflecting on who is and is not positively contributing to my mental, spiritual, and physical health.
I am releasing repressed feelings I hold regarding the person I need to be, which in turn can get painful and messy. I am holding space for the emotions that come with disappointment over milestones I have yet to hit. Life is short, and I am learning not to let that be my primary motivation because lines can be short but still require patience. I am holding space for my health and prioritizing my wellness. I am addressing old patterns that no longer serve me, and I am welcoming the transformation of life that the Universe has for me. I am choosing to be attracted to those who aid me in my journey. I am choosing the opportunity to shine within my community, and while I am not exactly where I want to be, I am permitting myself to relish in the fact that I am where I need to be. From where I stand, I am still a humble student, always learning and bringing knowledge to light. I am a Leo, I am skilled in manifesting, and you are going to watch my roar.
I am holding space for fun and community in ways I haven't before; talk about personal growth! The practice of self-care is no longer a service I hesitate to give to myself. I am myself the opportunity to go out and adventure because the world is my stage, and I am entitled to time for playing. I am saying "yes" to travel when the opportunity presents itself and possibly even giving space to imagine what life would be like with a partner. I am allowing myself time to go to indulge in shadow work, which means shedding light on what intimacy means for me. I may not always let people in, even if they've tried to get close. I am allowing myself to heal from that. Towards the end of the month, I am going to reflect on the close relationships in my life, which means making special appearances into the lives of others I want to make amends. There's a light to be shined; I can appreciate it more because I allowed time to talk about the dark.
I know what makes me feel good. I am aware of the value in indulging in what makes me feel good. I am learning how to let go of the desire to rescue others. I am beginning to hold myself accountable for allowing others to undervalue my labor. I am talented and incredibly wise, and that is regardless of if authority figures can measure that or not. I am feeling a better grasp of my life. My routines are starting to pay off; I am thriving because I decided to develop my discipline. My routine accounts for myself, my family, my dreams, and the legacy that I am carrying. I am honoring my traditions and also allowing innovation to shape how I do things. I am open to becoming more tied into a community, whether or not that means making one or finding one. I am open to giving and receiving mutual support. I am developing boundaries that are designed to support my growth. I am coming closer to my dreams. I am beginning to appreciate the lessons the Universe has taught me.
I am undergoing an unpacking of my family, the structures in which I grew up, and how they have impacted how I express myself. I am growing to understand how loneliness has bred within me; I am holding myself accountable to seek out community. I have been paying attention to minor coincidences and reminders from my subconscious. While I am still on my path to self-development and learning, I am open to receiving new information, as well as adopting old practices. There is nothing new under the sun, which means there may not be harm in taking note of the lessons from our parents. I am ready to receive insight and guidance, which includes communicating with elders. I am open to the diverse ways seeking help can be, and if possible, I will adopt multiple forms of self-care. While healing is not a straight line, I am becoming more clear as to what resources I possess. I am ready to speak up and am prepared to receive what I deserve.
I am learning to work with the anger I hold for myself. I am learning not to become so frustrated with myself when I encounter familiar situations. I am learning how to forgive myself for the times I didn't leave specific scenarios. I am learning how to hold space, validate, and honor my anger. I am speaking up more and exerting my opinions in an honest yet kind fashion. I am learning how to move forward in my life while letting go of past resentments. As I become more clear on my values, I am becoming more confident in the expectations for my future. I am learning how to recycle my positive and healthy relationships while learning to let go of my cycle of attracting similar toxic situations. With age, experience, and adventures, I am learning how to create the best version of myself. I am developing healthy boundaries in my pursuit of knowledge, and I am getting closer to creating the home I have been dreaming about.
I grew up with a lot of Saturn influences, which translates into a relationship with order and development. Without labor and dedication, any structure can fall apart. I appreciate sustainability, which is why this Aquarius season I am learning to become more fulfilled in innovation my pre-existing commitments. I am developing boundaries, I am setting limits, and I an accepting that life is a lot more flexible than I like to give it credit for. While unpacking my childhood is an ongoing process, I understand that there can be an appropriate level of leaning-in that honors my boundaries. I am leaning into unconventional healing practices. I am letting my process of self-reflection mirror the communities and cultures I come from. While I hold space for the order I am developing and the healing I am experiencing, I hold space to appreciate that I am not the first to walk down this path. I am open to mentorship and seeking out elders who help my process. I am shedding old practices that no longer serve me; I welcome to forms of expression that will aid in uplifting me.
I am unpacking my subconscious need for approval from authority figures and learning to become more comfortable with my authority. I am developing a deeper understanding of the person that I am and the interests and values that I have. I am learning from the structures that I live within, taking note of what needs to stay in my life or innovate. I am practicing mindfulness to ensure that I am aware of the decisions I make for myself. I am working to have more self awareness while allowing for others around me to aid in my vast knowledge. I am taking onus and making commitments to the causes and intuitive messages I receive. I grew up different; in some ways, I have "old school values" instilled in the very essence of my existence. As the Universe shines a light who I am, I hold space to speak for myself. With knowledge comes power, so I won't hesitate to learn the history of what makes me unique.
I am witnessing what was done in the dark come to life. I am receiving clarity. I mind my defensiveness, my outdated ideas, and the boundaries I develop for myself. I am holding myself accountable for why I may detach or "ghost." I am not unpacking alone, and this process will be done with community support. I am deepening my appreciation for myself, in all my multitudes, even the ones I haven't unpacked yet. I am undoing familial patterns, subconscious lessons from them, messages that they've taught me. As I unwrap and unpack each gift from the past, I throw away the trash, I recycle the wrapping paper, and finally, I honor the gift. I am preparing to see more precise and more conducive critiques regarding my health and my routine coming into focus. While I unpack my baggage, I find myself unpacking other people's bags as well. I will continue to honor my hard work and hold space to be selfish.