Hoescopes ~ November đź”®
In this month's run of our new sexy astrology column Hoescopes written by Six, The Sextrologer, we're focusing on self care!
November is kicking off with intense #CuffingSzn vibes. With the Sun, Mercury retrograde and Venus all in the deep and sultry sign of Scorpio, you’ll find yourself spending a lot of time soul searching. Winter is coming, and you’re forced to consider who you actually want to be caught dead with during the pending blizzards (intense, but that’s the theme here).
Luckily for us, Venus spins right into Sagittarius on November 2nd, which allows for a lot more fun, laughter, and adventure! With Mercury in retrograde until November 20th, I don’t recommend trying to jump into any commitments (but your relationship may not be doomed if you do). Mercury retrograde is the perfect time to kick back, relax, and consider what you actually want in a boo. Mercury rules over messages and communication, so by now you may began hearing from your exes and your old Netflix-and-Chill buddies (hey, they get cold too).
Sometimes people circle back for a reason, and other times it’s just for the season. It’s up to you to decipher who's actually legit, because the Universe might just be testing you. As the planets begin to shift into Sagittarius at the end of the month, things will begin to “cool” down (both literally and figuratively speaking). Start planning for Winter break, consider skipping the traditional Friendsgiving and go on a trip! The sky's the limit this Sagittarius season, and who knows- you might just meet someone overseas.Â
Read for your sun, moon, and rising sign(s):
Let’s try not to throw ourselves into work, and ignore our problems at home (no running from our feelings). Mercury retrograde is going to force you to explore what you need from intimacy, so try not to intellectualize your emotions as a way to distance yourself from them. The new moon in Scorpio on October 28th was a tap on the shoulder, it’s trying to remind you that you’re a lot more complex and nuanced than you’d like to admit. After the full moon in Taurus on October 13, you’ll find that maybe it’s a good time to let go of items that you’ve been hoarding. It’s the perfect time for you to start doing some metaphorical and literal cleaning. Like seriously, the power of cleaning your bathroom then treating yourself to a bath bomb or a face mask is unrivaled. Towards the middle of the month, you'll find that the energy starts the shift, and through exploring and experiencing life that lessons can be learned. You’re learning a lot about yourself this month Aries, don’t be too surprised by what you find out.
You’ve been learning a lot about yourself and what motivates you. You know that you’re really good at convincing yourself it’s “not that deep,” or that everything is fine. This November that’s about to change, especially after the new moon transits into your 7th house of relationships. It’s time to rethink your values and what you hold onto, it’s not spring but cleaning really could help you clear your mind. The new moon in Scorpio will have you listening more closely to the words coming out of people’s mouths. With the potential intensity that you’ll be encountering for November, I ask that you remember to take a deep breath and prioritize yourself. You’re only one person and the goal isn’t for you to completely abandon your “happy place”. As the planets begin to shift from your house of relationships to your house of intimacy and shared resources, don’t be shy to accept and ask for help. You are loved by your friends and chosen family, learn to give and receive the love you desire.
Oh Gemini, I’m sorry—November is going to be a bit of a doozie for you in particular. This month is going to force you to re-explore how you go about sharing intimacy. Many of you aren’t actually nurturing the type of intimacy you value, because you are making your needs and feelings a secondary priority. ‬The new moon could really awaken how much of yourself that you give to people on a daily basis; you all do get that deep in everything you do. Once you open your eyes to how sensitive you are and how much you care about the little things, then I think you can start to build healthier boundaries for yourself. Intimacy and vulnerable take time to deserve, and you can’t get mad at the world because you didn’t get what you needed quickly enough. The love you desire comes with time and once you get it, it will be worth the wait. This is a lesson that will follow you for the rest of the year, and towards the end of November, a lot of things will come into clarity for you. Be open to exploring and unpacking your experiences growing up and how you are perceived by the world, because whether you like it or not, Mercury retrograde is coming for your edges (you’ll be fine).
You’re really coming into your own Cancer, good for you. With Jupiter in Sagittarius, you are probably taking more risks on a daily basis and I bet they are starting to pay off. With the North Node in your house of self, there has been a call for y’all to put yourselves first. That’s powerful and not something that you shouldn’t honor yourself for this chilly November. The lessons aren’t over, and you’ll be spending the rest of this year continuing to take care of you by setting boundaries, performing emotional labor for yourself, and treating yourself to pleasant experiences. With the South Node in your house of relationships, don’t be scared of leaving relationships that no longer serve you. Cancer, you love taking care of your friends, family, and lovers. The problem is, sometimes you struggle with putting yourself first. Notice your patterns, because it’s very easy to slip to one extreme to another. With the planets shifting into Scorpio, I have faith that you are practicing your balance and promoting self love by letting yourself have fun. Be vulnerable with your spirit, Halloween just passed, but it doesn’t mean you can’t use this Mercury retrograde in Scorpio to remember all the fun things you never let yourself do.Â
You’ve been reflecting a lot Leo, and typically in order to understand where we are going, we have to understand where we’ve been. You’re releasing your old patterns and even though you’re a fixed sign, you’re starting to realize that some flexibility is needed to grow. In the beginning of November the stars illuminate the section of your birth chart that rule over family, home, and culture. Spend the beginning of the month working to understand how you reflect your home environment; how did your home life influence the person you have become? It’s important to understand we inherit traits from the people closest to us, maybe you’ve internalized some “old school” and “outdated” ideas from authority figures or friends. Have these ideas helped you welcome the healthiest people into your social circles? With Mercury retrograde in Scorpio until November 20th, you’ll find yourself being more sensitive to ways that you let yourself practice self care. While it may be difficult to understand everything that you’re faced with, the month becomes extremely fun when the Sun and then Mercury transits into your house of pleasure. You’ll start speaking your mind with more confidence, and feeling a lot more “you” after all that reflecting.Â
Virgo, it’s time to revamp your self care routine! Speaking your mind and expressing your needs is all a part of self care, and while you may hold your tongue and hesitate to speak—Mercury retrograde will be forcing you to revisit feelings and thoughts that you’ve left unspoken. With Mercury making a conjunction to Pallas in your house of communication, you may be surprised how easily it can be to articulate your thoughts (if you let yourself do so). Towards mid-November it’s possible that you could be connecting with family, or allowing yourself time for much needed tender love and care. It’s important that with the North node, Saturn, and Pluto in your house of pleasure, that it’s important to be critical of your self care methods. Busy isn’t an excuse to not take care of yourself Virgo, you have to make time for yourself. Towards the end of November you’ll begin to realize that caring for yourself isn’t limited to self care, but it’s extremely imperative that you welcome community care as well.Â
Libra season is over, but that doesn’t mean you’ve stepped out of the spotlight. November calls for you to collect your bag and make your money. You may feel certain stresses regarding your home and family life and while you shouldn’t abandon those aspects of your life—you have to learn how to prioritize yourself Libra! We all know that you try your hardest to treat others the way you wish to be treated but it’s important that you stop trying to pour from an empty cup. It’s time to seek balance again and with Mercury retrograde in your house of possessions and values, you should spend this time getting in touch with your intuition. Who are you trying to be Libra? It would be in your best interest to start writing down your dreams, feelings, and ideas. The power of manifestation through writing out your desires should not be overlooked, especially because when you write your dreams you are actively cementing them. Later in the month, you'll find that you will be speaking your mind a lot more than usual. Be sure that you’re speaking words that you’re comfortable with others hearing, you can’t unspeak your thoughts once you give birth to them.Â
It’s time to explore yourself Scorpio, no more talking without truly understanding yourself. Scorpio energy is no stranger to reflecting people back at themselves, but you’re way more than just a river. Even water has a story, a song, a history. Spend the beginning of your season taking the time to recall and remember who you are, and how you became the person that you are today. Mercury retrograde will be transiting your house of self, therefore it’s important for you to meditate on yourself (easier said than done). Being a Scorpio, you may become more “sensitive” or “aware” of the words that others are saying, but it’s important to remember that we all come with our own unique set of experiences. Just because you’re empathic does not mean that you’re all-knowing; practice being inquisitive. Mercury retrograde is a wonderful time for you to ask questions and really learn about the people around you. Make sure that you’re not over extending yourself for others, setting boundaries early in the month can help you avoid the building of resentment towards the end of the month.Â
It’s always darkest before the dawn Sagittarius, you know this better than most people. You start the month off with a lot of action in your house of self-undoing, unconscious, and imprisonment—talk about spooky season. While that sounds grim and dim, there’s a lot of power in letting yourself acknowledge you’re not ok. Sagittarius, instead of holding space for yourself and pointing out where it hurts, you’re the type to laugh. This season it’s important for you to be honest with yourself. The North node of fate will be transiting in your house of shared finances and intimacy, calling for you to realize that you can’t do everything on your own. You are human Sagittarius, you know a lot, but you don’t know it all. With Mars transiting into your house of community at the end of the month, it’s important that you set boundaries and request for your loved ones to hold space for you. Once you take the first part of November piecing together your puzzle-of-self, you’ll find that you’ll have a clearer image of yourself towards the end of the month.
Please try to not let what others are doing influence how you feel about yourself. With the Moon, Saturn, South Node, and Pluto in your house of community, it’s important that you’re not being unfair to yourself. People may impose their ideas of who you need to be onto you, but it’s up to you to surround yourself with people who encourage you to validate and affirm your existence. Life is a journey, not a sprint, and it’s true that no one really has it all figured out. It’s hard for everyone to find their purpose, their stride, and their sense of self (even if they act like that have that all figured out). With Mercury retrograde transiting your house of higher learning and short trips, you might find yourself sneaking away for a getaway this November. Even if you don’t take a vacation, it’s important for your to retreat and reflect on the lessons you’ve learned all through your life. Towards the end of the month you might find that the reflection paid off and you’ll begin to walk towards the legacy you’re creating for yourself. Be patient Pisces, it’s a virtue that will help you in the long run.