Have A Not-So-Silent Night
with these Holiday Sex Facts!

‘Tis the holiday season! Throughout the month of December and into January, hundreds of millions around the country and around the world will be celebrating Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, New Year’s and so much more. Perhaps it’s the cold weather, or the joyous holiday spirit, but December is also the most popular time of year for sex!
Since people seem to love getting busy during the holidays, it should come as no surprise that more babies are conceived in December than any other month. Could it be that being around family gives couples the urge to start families of their own? Maybe that’s the case for some but clearly some people have the opposite reaction. All the noise, mess, and stress that comes with kids at Christmas time may actually be why condom sales also traditionally spike the week of Christmas! If you’re not quite ready to give the gift of life, make sure you are practicing safe sex and using birth control.
Millennials may be making up a good portion of those who are jumping on the condom buying bandwagon this year. Afterall 50% of them are saying they plan to have sex on Christmas day! Considering the age-range of that demographic, a lot of them may be celebrating the holidays at their parents’ house, and therefore will have to figure out the best way to get it on in their childhood bed! For this situation, the best piece of advice we can give is simple: don’t forget to lock the door! Also if you have an extra squeaky bed, maybe move to the floor, or try some other holiday sex hacks.
Even if the holidays don’t get you in the mood, it doesn’t mean you can’t experiment with your sex-life. Roleplaying in a red suit and white beard may not be your thing (despite a 447% increase in Pornhub searches for “Santa”), but you can always spice things up with some personalized sex toys, or fun holiday themed sex-positions! Just don’t get too crazy, or you might end up contributing to the statistic about increased cases of “penile trauma” - yikes! Don’t worry, even if you do injure your “north pole” there are plenty of ED pills out there that will get you back on the sleigh in no time!
Whatever you decide to do and however you decide to do it, make it a joyous occasion. All that matters is that you’re spreading the love while having fun, staying safe, and respecting each other. Happy holidays!