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Microdosing Romance: A Valentine’s Guide <br>to Tiny Gestures with Big Impact 🥰🌹

Microdosing Romance: A Valentine’s Guide
to Tiny Gestures with Big Impact 🥰🌹

We talk a lot about microdosing many things 🍄, but what about romance 😍? It turns out that seemingly small, intentional gestures can keep relationships feeling revitalized in so many ways without waiting for a big anniversary or Valentine’s Day to come around! While we work on an...

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September Hoescopes 🔮

The planets have some messages in store for all of your hoes on the go! Fall is cumming, and cuffing season is near. The time is now to get all that wild (and safe) sexual energy out of your system while we are all still out and about! ...

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End of Summer Self-Love 🌤️

While we still have until the end of September to see the official end of the summer, it often feels like the last bit of the season is the longest part. Before we all lean into the cooler months, we thought it would be a good time to consider...

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August Hoescopes 🔮

Summer is winding down, the leaves are starting to change color, and we are speeding towards cuffing season at high speed! But before we all couple up and go into hibernation mode, the planets have a few more opportunities of connection lined up this month. Take advantage of this time...

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Sex Sells Finale Featuring Clone-A-Willy On Fuse TV

The Clone-A-Willy Team is so excited to share our recent interview and feature on the Fuse TV series Sex Sells! Airs Monday July 26th, 11:00PM PST on Fuse TV Enjoy this short clip and watch the full Finale episode (108) Read more

The Ultimate Guide to Molding Your Penis or Vulva!

We realize that making a copy of your penis or vulva is something you probably don't do every day! The DIY molding process can be a new and sometimes intimidating experience. When's the last time you stuck your bits into a vessel of lukewarm molding goo? Never...

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July Hoescopes 🔮

Summer is in full swing, and we are all trying to harness our inner (and outer) hoe energy! The new moon in Cancer reminds us to take care of ourselves first and foremost while also pushing us back out into the social world. We each have our own...

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A Pride Playlist 🏳️‍🌈

Here at Clone-a-Willy, one way we’ve been celebrating Pride month this year is by collecting our favorite music videos from LGBTQ+ artists. Spanning across different genres, these songs hold onto a particular kind of empowerment, vulnerability and freedom. 

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June Hoescopes 🔮

The planets have A LOT going on this month as we dive right into Gemini Season! As the weather warms up and COVID restrictions relax (thank you vaccinations), we are feeling the duality of the excitement to re-emerge into society while also already missing all that extra solo time!Angeli is...

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Artists We Love 😍

As we come closer to the end of May - and importantly the recognized international masturbation month, we’re excited to share a few of our favorite artists who have created memorable work representing emboldened self pleasure. 

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May Hoescopes 🔮

As summer creeps closer, everyone is anxious to squeeze in a little more social time, but first on the agenda is to check in with yourself after a LONG winter! And this season's hottest accessory (besides face coverings and vaccinations, of course) is your sex toy of choice! It's Masturbation...

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Clone-A-Willy Featured:
Vic Liu, Creator of BANG!

We are dancing with joy for the newest guest in our Portland Featured series! Vic Liu is the artist behind the new book BANG!: Masturbation for People of All Genders and Abilities. BANG! is a "straightforward, unapologetic illustrated guide to...

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Photo Story:
A Sexy Spring Picnic by Portrait Mami 🍇

We were very lucky to snag amazing film photographer and friend of the brand Portrait Mami for a vibrant spring photoshoot while they were visiting our hometown of Portland, Oregon! What a daydream 🌈  Peep the full photo story and plan your own sexy picnic!

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April Hoescopes 🔮

Spring is here, and we are all ready to mingle (safely and responsibly, of course)! Just like the birds and the bees, it is our seasonal awakening. As the sun starts to thaw our cold, lonely hearts, the planets have their own plan for us this month! It's a...

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Clone-A-Willy Featured:
Ozma Autonomy

We had the honor of chatting with fellow Portlander, creative, and artist Jo, founder/jeweler extraordinaire of OZMA Autonomy! She recently created the Clit Hitch, an eco-friendly replacer for the classic Truck Nuts using our Clone-A-Pussy Kit!  Read more

Von ~ No Receipts

We're are beyond excited to be included in visual artist and musician, Von's, newest music video No Receipts! Von is a disrupter changing the sex tech and music industries and we were honored that she...

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Clone-A-Willy Featured:
Alexandra Bryson

We held a virtual interview with our gal, Austin-based visual artist Alexandra Bryson, where we discussed self-pleasure through art in a time of isolation. Read on learn about how Alexandra has stayed creative through quarantine using the human form to inspire connection, and...

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March Hoescopes 🔮

Spring is around the corner, the flowers are blooming, birds are singing, and we're all ready for a little more human interaction! Curious what the planets have in store for you? Read on for some insight into harnessing this month's power, especially when it comes to pleasure, self-love, and self-care!

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February Hoescopes 🔮

Happy February! It's Black History Month AND Valentine SZN, which gives us two more reasons to show each other some extra love! But even more importantly let's get inspired to check-in with ourselves and give ourselves some TLC! Self-love and pleasure are great forms of self-care and also resistance....

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2021 Media Mixed Bag:
Our Sex-Positive / Self-Positive Recommendations

2021 already has our heads spinning, but we're still aiming to make this year our best yet (or at least better than the last). We all need a little extra motivation to continue treating ourselves with kindness despite everything buzzing around us! Thus, we've come up...

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Huge Giveaway With Ship-A-Dick

We’ve teamed up with another Dick-tastic company here in Portland, OR for one big, girthy giveaway! Win a bundle of dicks, including two incredible bundles from Ship-A-Dick and yours truly (duh) 👋 We will be selecting three winners on Monday, February 8th! The Grand Prize winner will...

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10 Sexy (and Safe) Date Night
Activities During Quarantine

It's 2021 and we're still staying home! Does quarantine have you missing those spontaneous date nights with your SO? Yeah, us too. COVID may have made it difficult to keep the romance alive, but don’t let social distancing create distance between you and your partner. Here are 10 date...

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January Hoescopes 🔮

2021 is here and we are all manifesting brighter times! There is a collective sense of hope as we start to navigate the new year, and the planets are in our favor. With the "stargaze window" opening up in the night sky again on January 6th, after the last...

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December Hoescopes 🔮

Your ho-ho-hoescopes are here! See what the stars have in store for you this hoeliday season and how to practice self-care / pleasure along the way ~

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November Hoescopes 🔮

It's election week and we are all stressed. Luckily our gal Angeli has this month's Hoescopes fresh off the press to remind us all to practice a little extra self-care this month and that pleasure is the best form of resistance! 

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Starting OnlyFans
(in this economy)

After Covid-fueled months of being the new Wild West of the adult content marketplace, OnlyFans capped how much money users can tip and charge, and the very green scenery of possibilities changed… IN THIS ECONOMY.  These regulations came shortly after Bella Thorne broke the Internet (in a bad...

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October Hoescopes 🔮

Spooky season is upon us! Angeli is here with your monthly Hoescopes to help you stay sexy while getting witchy with it. This month is packed with planetary movement, including two full moons and Mercury in retrograde, so pull those fishnets up high, stock those cauldrons, and remember to...

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Tips For Molding A Big D*** 🍆

Congratulations your johnson is larger than average! We think willies of all shapes and sizes are perfect, but if your D is too big for our penis molding kits, you are a rarity. While big schlongs are the norm in most mainstream porn, the average size of...

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September Hoescopes 🔮

Our September Hoescopes are here and we're excited to officially introduce our newest sextrologist, Angeli, who is taking over the series! Read on to see what this month has in store for you ~   ...

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Clone-A-Willy Featured:
My Friday Films

We chatted with one of our pals, film photographer Chase Hart of My Friday Films about photo projects during a time of social distancing and what's to come in the future! Scroll down to see his newest photo set featuring his girlfriend / quarantine-partner  Read more

The Benefit Of Using Sex Toys to Women's Health

Written by Belinda Anderson    When talking about sex, we often face questions that involve a persons’ stamina during intercourse, how often they reach orgasm, and what positions are best when doing it with a partner. However, many are uncomfortable...

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August Hoescopes 🔮

Can you believe it's already August? Summer is flying by but we've got a fresh round of Hoescopes to keep you present! This month's horoscopes were written by our babe Six The Sextrologer with the help of Angeli, who will be taking over...

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10 Sex Positive DIY Ideas for Your Summer at Home 🎨

We're all spending a little (or A LOT) more time at home this summer! Meaning many of us are suffering from cabin fever, boredom, and at times severe monotony. But alas! We are here to spice things up with some DIY craft ideas that are easy, accessible, and of...

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Clone-A-Willy Featured:

We had the pleasure of chatting with the amazingly dreamy photographer Portrait Mami who just shot our epic new photo campaign -- Read on for the full interview and to peep our faves from the shoot!

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Intimacy (or Lack Thereof) In A Time of Distance

When public life shut down for a pandemic, it seemed only logical to rub it out and have sex like HOARNINESS was going out of stock.  We thought more private time equals more private parts time. We thought we would finally milk that prostate or eat that ass....

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July Hoescopes 🔮

Our babe Six The Sextrologer is adding some HEAT to the summer with our July Hoescopes ~ read through for your fresh mantra of self-love and see what the planets have in store for your sex life!

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June Hoescopes 🔮

June has started off in a historic way. This month's planetary shifts are unveiling many truths and creating space for change! Our resident Sextrologer, Six, is back again with some epic Hoescopes that help remind us to check-in with ourselves and the power of pleasure...

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Building Confidence As A Fat Lover

Sex with plus sized partners is a topic that comes up frequently in my life from both women and men alike. For context, I'm a 6ft tall 275 lb. 28-year-old Scorpio woman who identifies as plus-sized. It's taken YEARS to get to the point where I can be fully...

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May Hoescopes 🔮

April might have left many of us feeling powerless, but our girl Six the Sextrologist has a fresh round of Hoescopes to help us all reclaim our power and manifest the sexiest May yet!

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25 Shows About Sex To Binge
(While You're Staying Home)

Welp, we're still stuck at home. Since everyone inhaled our list of sex-positive films to spice up your quarantine ~ we're back with round two (we're people pleasers after all)! This time we've compiled a list of 25 binge-worthy sexy and/or sex-positive shows for all of your streaming desires!

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