March Hoescopes 🔮

Spring is around the corner, the flowers are blooming, birds are singing, and we're all ready for a little more human interaction! Curious what the planets have in store for you? Read on for some insight into harnessing this month's power, especially when it comes to pleasure, self-love, and self-care!
As Mars enters Gemini, you’re excited to try new things in the bedroom. If you’re looking for a thrill ride, you should indulge in dirty talking. You’re looking for something to spice up your sex life and sex toys may be just up your alley. Try new ones with yourself or on your partner! You’ve always been an adrenaline junkie and you need something that gets your adrenaline pumping. The New Moon in Pisces could be bringing out some rather hidden desires you’ve been keeping from yourself and your partner. It’s important for you to self-reflect, as you could find something new about yourself. Reflect on your past relationship and the lessons they may have taught you. This New Moon could also have someone from your past or a particular ex try to return back into your life. Communication could be hazy for you when Mercury enters Pisces on March 15th. Keep it short, simple, and to the point. The Full Moon in Libra is asking you to reevaluate your relationships. What exactly do you need to fulfill your personal desires?
With Mars entering Gemini, you’re feeling a little freakier under the bedsheets. This transit can also bring out some feelings regarding jealousy, so it’s important for you to watch what you think and say. Make sure you have all the details before you make any assumptions. Communicate clearly and concisely. The New Moon in Pisces is showing you what kind of friends you have in your life and if they really add value to your life. Are your friends supportive of you and your endeavors? The Full Moon in Libra asks you to understand how to set boundaries in your relationships so that you can have the most monumental sex life. You deserve to be in relationships that make you feel sexy!
Mars enters your sign on March 4th, pushing you to express yourself in new ways. This may be a time where you feel drawn to getting a new haircut, new shoes, or completely be unrecognizable by tomorrow. You want a fresh start to this month by looking and feeling brand new. The New Moon in Pisces asks you to reflect on how you want to appear to others in your professional world. Do you want to be respected? How can you carry yourself in ways where others see your confidence as respectable? Your self-esteem is everything this month. With the Sun entering Aries, you’re understanding how the connections you are the closest to reflect an aspect of who you are. The Full Moon in Libra on March 28th is showing you how you can express yourself in ways that feel the most authentic to you. Get in touch with your desires and tap into what brings you the most pleasure! Spend more time masturbating!
With Mars, planet of passion and creativity, entering Gemini on March 4th, you’re starting off your month with your desires being at the forefront of your mind. This really sets the tone for your month as you’re learning how to accept this part of yourself. Your sexuality is not a taboo and you deserve to feel empowered through your body. The New Moon in Pisces is teaching you something new about yourself as you shift through a period of studying. Learn new things and explore what the world has to offer you. Teach yourself something new about your sexuality, something that resonates with your soul. Try to expand your horizons. The Full Moon in Libra is asking you to pay attention to the most vital part of your life, your environment. If your environment and your home is in shambles, how can you ever feel comfortable? Clean up your room and prioritize yourself this month!
As Mars shifts into Gemini on March 4th, you’re learning how to make sure you’re being honest with yourself. Simply watch and observe as others will reveal themselves to you. Conflicts can be prominent right now, so make sure you pay attention to what someone says the first time. Don’t backtrack once you’ve made your choice. The New Moon in Pisces is teaching you how to stop giving away your energy effortlessly to those who wouldn’t look back at you once. You’re understanding how to form deeper and more intimate connections with yourself so that you can reflect your newfound knowledge and insights onto your connections. The Full Moon in Libra teaches you how to prioritize communicating. Understand that you cannot always meet people where they are at, but at least you can try and meet yourself half way. Let this newfound intimacy make you feel closer to you and your sexuality.
With Mars entering the sign of Gemini, you may be feeling back and forth about your future. What do you want to do with your life? It’s okay to not have the answer to that, but staying at a standstill between choices leaves you immobilized. Make a choice, whether or not it works for you in the long-run, you’ll figure that out along the way. With the New Moon in Pisces on March 13th, you’re understanding what exactly you need from a partnership in order for yourself to be fulfilled. Perhaps you want your greatest lover and biggest supporter to also be someone who fulfills you on all levels. For now, embrace and enjoy what your current relationships can teach you and keep your options open. The Full Moon in Libra on March 28th will make you feel more clear headed about how you want to treat yourself. Perhaps you feel inclined to treat yourself to an orgasmic new sex toy!
Mars, planet of passion and creativity, moves in the sign of Gemini on march 4th, teaching you to embrace expanding your mind (and your dirty talking skills). You feel inclined to study, learn, and create something new with the world around you and the people you involve yourself with. The Pisces New Moon on March 13th is highlighting how you move around in your environment and workplace. Pay attention to how you’re being perceived and acknowledge how you may come across to others. Make sure you feel comfortable in your environment to ease the worries of your daily life. How can you make your surroundings work for you better? The Full Moon in Libra on March 28th can have you feeling like a brand new person. All eyes are on you as you’re learning how to appreciate and embrace new aspects of yourself. How do you desire to express your sexuality?
When Mars enters Gemini on March 4th, you’ll be learning a lot about what it means to surrender to yourself so that you can fully surrender to somebody else. There is a new found power you can find in understanding the process of integrating vulnerability in your everyday life. Intimacy with others begins with intimacy with yourself. The Pisces New Moon on March 13th signifies a time for you to get in touch with your deeper pleasures and pursuits. What are your hidden sexual desires? Get creative and find ways to respark your attractions to your lust for life. The Full Moon in Libra on March 28th represents a period of time in which you may feel closer to your body. Spend more time harnessing your sexual power through it.
As Mars, planet of passion and sex, moves into Gemini, you’re learning how to have more fun with your time spent in the bedroom. Go on an adventure with your new sex toy and discover something new about your desires. Learn something from an exciting experience. Let your mind be as stimulating as your orgasms. The New Moon in Pisces on March 13th is showing you what you need to feel comfortable in your family, home, and everyday life. The Full Moon in Libra on March 28th is asking you to question and reevaluate your friendships. Are your friends who they say they are? Who do you surround yourself with and how do they reflect who you are? Your friendships should provide you with proper balance and mental praxity. March is all about your connections!
With Mars moving into Gemini, you’re understanding how to move your dreams into your physical reality. It may be difficult to find a place to ground all your innovative ideas, know that you’re allowed to be flexible and change your mind at any given point. The New Moon in Pisces on March 13th is highlighting your ability to create with your prior imagination. You’re allowed to dream and you’re allowed to give yourself the space to follow your heart. How can you communicate your hidden desires to yourself? The Sun moving into Aries is teaching you how to find a stable place for your passions and goals to spread their roots. Plant your seeds, and be picky about where you plant them, then watch them bloom and thrive in the next 3-5 years. The Full Moon in Libra is asking you to get more serious about your long-term desires.
As Mars, planet of sex and passion, moves into the sign of Gemini, you’re learning how to find new ways to pleasure yourself. You’re attracted to unconventional and mentally stimulating individuals, but how are you attracted to yourself? Take the time to explore your sexuality a little deeper, a little further and have lots of fun along the way. You understand romance doesn’t always have to be taken so seriously. The New Moon in Pisces brings out your values and asks you to reflect on what is the most important to you. Do you desire to give to charities and to give all the treasures in the world to your partner? Have you given to yourself as much as you’ve given to others? With the Libra Full Moon on March 28th, you’re learning something new about yourself based on the experiences you will have the following week. How are you pleasuring yourself today?

When Mars moves into Gemini, you’re feeling drawn to change up something about your sex life and environment. Whether that may be reorganizing your room or redecorating your space, changing up your routine is needed!. You’re going to feel a lot more sexually active this month. The Pisces New Moon on March 13th is showing you how to find new ways of expressing yourself. It’s important for you to realize who you are outside of the people who constantly surround you. Who are you at your core? As the Sun moves through Aries, you’ll be finding new ways of establishing your values. Take care of yourself and your body. The Full Moon in Libra on March 28th is highlighting your relationships with other people. Pay attention to the people who surround you and make sure you’re able to create safe spaces of intimate moments with yourself too.