The Benefit Of Using Sex Toys to Women's Health

Written by Belinda Anderson
When talking about sex, we often face questions that involve a persons’ stamina during intercourse, how often they reach orgasm, and what positions are best when doing it with a partner. However, many are uncomfortable talking about the satisfaction they have with their sex lives. And although these questions might not be so fitting to hear, they are crucial to one's individuality.
Sex satisfaction is vital in many relationships, so the discussion of using sex toys is no longer a taboo in the modern world. Moreover, sex toys are discovered to offer many health benefits. These benefits can pique the interest of the vanillas and increase the chances of first-time sex toy users to try it out.
But what are these health benefits? Can it really make someone incorporate the use of sex toys in their sex life?
Women and Sex Toys
According to a research study conducted at Indiana University, 53% of women aged between 18-65 admit that they use a vibrator and claim that it significantly helps them achieve a healthier sex lifestyle. This includes improved sexual function and satisfaction. On the other hand, 45% of men claim that using a vibrator during sexual activity is a common trend.
Furthermore, according to the 2,056 women who joined the conducted research study, their involvement and use of sex toys, such as vibrators, led them to visit their doctors for a gynecological exam. They are even practiced to conduct genital self-examination, which is vital for every woman that engages in sexual activities.
Surprising Health Benefits of Sex Toys
Vibrators and other sex toys are making a lot of buzz in the market today. This isn’t surprising since more individuals are open and engaged in incorporating sex toys during their sexual activities.
But aside from the high-level intensity and excitement that a sex toy offers, they also offer surprising health benefits. These health benefits are excellent reasons why you should consider buying and using sex toys now.
Whole Body Wellness Improvement
A good sex life brings out a good feeling. According to a holistic sex and relationship expert, Kim Anami, sex and meditation have the same effects on your body. Both activities light up the same part of the brain, allowing you to focus on yourself, strengthen your intuition, and relax your mind to tackle problems.
One study from Wilkes University states that if an individual engages in sex at least once or twice a week, they will have a 30% increase of their immunoglobulin A, which is the primary factor that strengthens immunity.
Even if you don’t have a partner to make love with or your current sexual engagement is flagging, all can be achieved or improved by using sex toys. Sex toys can spice up your sex life, give you an additional thrill, and a sense of excitement.
Men and women can find using a sex toy enjoyable, and there's so much to choose from, such as the Womanizer Duo! Sex toys can trigger sexual stimulation, which is crucial during foreplay and aids in improving the entire experience of this sexual activity.
Treatment for Menopausal Symptoms
One challenging factor for women when it comes to engaging in sex is during their menopausal period. Menopause is when the vagina starts to become dry and can cause vaginal tightness and vaginal atrophy.
These are very common occurrences for women during their menopausal stage, which can have a negative impact on their sexual life. However, using sex toys, like a vibrator, can be a solution to these problems. Even more so, sex toys can ease discomfort while engaging in the activity.
Vibrators can be a triggering factor that can increase vaginal lubrication without penetration. It also improves the vaginal wall’s elasticity, making it more flexible to reduce the vaginal tightness the menopausal period brings.
Better Sleep
It is very easy to get stressed quickly in a world where there is so much going on. Engaging in daily activities and working too hard can accumulate enough stress that can harm us. This is why giving high importance to better sleep quality is very important. Using sex toys during masturbation can significantly improve our sleep.
According to Dr. Chris Donaghue, a licensed sex and relationship expert, incorporating sex toys during masturbation can help individuals reach an orgasm. Men and women who practice masturbation while using sex toys before going to sleep can easily achieve bedtime orgasm.
Due to the release of the "love hormones" called oxytocin and the "feel-good hormone," serotonin, masturbation can make individuals feel calm and eases the body’s stress better than any method. It can also aid in addressing recurring insomnia and restlessness.
Helps with Urinary Incontinence
Urinary incontinence is the loss of bladder control, which can be somehow an embarrassing problem. There are many reasons women experience it, with childbirth, pregnancy, and menopause being some of the factors.
However, using a vibrator or a sex toy can assist you in resolving such a problem. Reaching an effective orgasm while using a sex toy can help exercise and develop your pelvic floor muscles.
To aid urinary incontinence, you need strong pelvic floor muscles, and it can be achieved with a good workout. During orgasm, your muscles will contract, and these contractions can be the perfect exercise to strengthen them. Better bladder control lowers the risk of developing urinary incontinence.
Helps You Beat Pains
Experiencing constant headaches? If so, do not put off using your vibrator, as they can be an instant solution to your problem. Pain reduction parts are triggered during arousal, and thanks to endorphins, it can relieve nerve impulses that cause migraines and other joint pains.
Moreover, a lot of women who use sex toys claim that it helps them alleviate period cramps and pains. Hence, regular orgasms by using sex toys can greatly improve your experience during your menstrual period.
Avoiding discussion of sex and incorporation of sex toys in our lives is already a thing of the past. Though there are still some who are hesitant in being open with these topics, there's a higher number who accept the new ways of how people have sex today. Sex toys might be known for pleasure, but aside from the pleasure it gives, it has significant health benefits that everyone should know about, especially women.
Author’s bio:
Belinda is a 42-year-old married mother of three who lives in Naples, Florida. While staying at home to raise her children, she began to write articles and blogs for various outlets. She was raised in a strict, Christian home, but has since found more peace with a more spiritual approach to life and health. A strong believer in natural and alternative medicine, energy healing, and total wellness, she stumbled on the health benefits of the female orgasm quite by accident. Since then, she has often written pieces that help inform others about the benefits she discovered. Belinda also enjoys taking care of her home and family, and often jokes that she is a bit of a Stepford wife… with a wild side. In her free time, she loves to spend time at the beach with her family, host parties and BBQ’s, and work outside in one of her many flower gardens.