February Hoescopes 🔮

Happy February! It's Black History Month AND Valentine SZN, which gives us two more reasons to show each other some extra love! But even more importantly let's get inspired to check-in with ourselves and give ourselves some TLC! Self-love and pleasure are great forms of self-care and also resistance. Our sextrologist Angeli has looked to the planets for some insight on how to make the most of this special month!
As Mercury retrogrades through your house of friendships and community, you’re understanding what it means to be supported. You may find your friendships are being tested right now. Old friends can return back to you to teach you something new about yourself. This can be a challenge if you’re not used to forgiving and letting go. It may be time to catch up with an old buddy or it could be time to set some boundaries. On February 11th, the New Moon in Aquarius can help you realize what you really want out of your connections. Weed out connections that aren’t serving you anymore. You’re learning who your real friends are and what community truly means to you. These themes will settle down once Mercury goes direct again on February 20th. The Full Moon in Virgo on February 27th can help you analyze the kinds of connections that do serve you and add value to your life. What kind of people do you want in your life?
Mercury is retrograding in your house of career and long-term goals, showing you how to get serious about what you actually want to accomplish. You can find new ways to motivate yourself when you look at the bigger picture. You’re also easily motivated through simple pleasures, so indulge in what you will. Old business, jobs, and errands can come back to remind you to get them done. Setting intentions with an agenda for your daily goals can help you eventually accomplish the larger ones. The New Moon in Aquarius on February 11th brings in new potential for your ambitions and career. You can accomplish anything you set your energy to because you don’t know how to stop once you get the motor going. When Mercury turns direct on February 20th, you can look back and feel proud of what you’ve created for yourself. Even if you haven’t really done a lot, the Full Moon in Virgo on February 27th reminds you how to have fun as you’re planning for your future. How are you creating the life that you want?
Mercury retrograde is going through your house of higher learning and knowledge, teaching you how to expand your mind again to old things. You’re always on the go and you’re not one to think much about your past, but this is the time to see your past from a new perspective. The New Moon in Aquarius on February 11th asks you to question your own morals and ethics. Are you really who you say you are? Or are you just projecting the version of yourself that’s the most edible for others to take in? You’re not meant to be an object of consumption like the same coffee everyone keeps having every morning. You’re allowed to be multi-dimensional. The Full Moon in Virgo on February 27th allows you to understand what kind of foundation you want to set for yourself moving forward. Take what you’ve learned and apply it to your world now.
As Mercury retrogrades through your house of deeper intimacy and shared resources, you’re understanding what your boundaries mean to you. Are you receiving as much as you’re giving to someone else or is it just all take, where you end up empty-handed? A relationship should be an equal give and take. Have healthier standards for yourself. The New Moon in Aquarius on February 11th asks you to speak what you feel, even if that means inconveniencing someone else. You won’t always please others when you set your boundaries and you don’t always have to sugarcoat your truth either. You’re allowed to be a little vulgar. The New Moon in Virgo on February 27ths asks you to watch how much money you’re spending. Your debts may be something you want to pay attention to as they can pile on quicker during this time. Analyze the way in how you communicate with others.
Mercury is retrograding through your house of commitments and relationships, showing you where your true desires lie. Are you following your heart or are you following what brings you validation? This is a beautiful time to have important discussions with your partner and see if they can handle the level of intimacy that your heart craves. The New Moon in Aquarius on February 11th asks you to understand what your emotional needs are so you can express them to your partner. You may find that your relationship grows stronger or grows apart. Don’t worry about what that outcome might be, as long as you are feeling confident in your way of self-expression. The Full Moon in Virgo on February 27th questions your values in your relationships, along with your spending habits. Are you spending enough time and energy investing in yourself? Or are you using that energy for someone else?
Mercury is retrograding through your house of health and boundaries, helping you see where you may be denying yourself for others. Are you getting too caught up with your work and denying your breaks? Or are you spending too much time serving someone who wouldn’t blink twice at you? Your resting is just as important as your tasks. The New Moon in Aquarius on February 11th asks you to find new habits and routines that add value to your life. You realize how small and subtle changes create life-changing environments. Your mindset about yourself is changing for the better. The Full Moon on February 27th is showing you how to feel empowered again. Empowerment is a state of being, one that you can accomplish as well. No need to compare yourself to others along the way. Don’t ever deny yourself for others again. What small changes can you implement to improve your life today?
As Mercury retrogrades through your house of pleasure and romance, you’re going to have quite a few suitors try and return back to you. These could be old exes or casual flings that are teaching you a lesson you might have been ignoring. This is not a good time to get into anything new, but resolving old issues is favorable. The New Moon in Aquarius on February 11th is showing you how to reignite your creativity. Take yourself out on a date and find solace in your solitude sometimes. Inspire yourself again through changing up your environment. You’re discovering something new about yourself as the Full Moon in Virgo lights up your house of deeper thought. This is a beautiful time to revisit your past and see how much you’ve grown. You’re not the same person you were last year and you won’t be the same person by the end of this one. Congratulate yourself.
Mercury is retrograding through your house of home and family, asking you to analyze your daily environment and how it reflects who you are. Do you feel comfortable living in the space that you reside or is there something you can do to improve your quality of life? There’s a lot that you are learning and unlearning about yourself as you find who you are outside of who you’ve been taught to be. The New Moon in Aquarius on February 11th may give you the inspiration to change up your space and redecorate your room. Beauty is something you can have in the personal sanctuary of your home. The Full Moon in Virgo on February 27th is highlighting your connections and what they mean to you. There may be connections that no longer serve you and you will have to use your proper judgement. How are you adding more value into your own life?
As Mercury retrogrades through your house of communication and thinking, you are learning how to craft your thoughts into productive conversations. Bluntness can only take you so far before someone gets their feelings hurt and you can’t get your point across properly. Make sure you’re getting the information you need before you make any important choices. The New Moon in Aquarius on February 11th is showing you how to see things from a different perspective so you can move forward in a unique way. Others may misunderstand you, but the right people will always try to make sense of you. The Full Moon in Virgo on February 27th is showing you how others may see you. Some people may feel inspired by you, but you can’t please everyone. You’re understanding how to stay in your power despite what others say of you. Who are you outside of other people’s ideas of you?
Mercury is retrograding through your house of finances and values, asking you to reevaluate where your priorities lie. What are your investing your time and energy into? Two things can be true at once, you deserve to treat yourself and you can also budget at the same time. Be smart about your finances, but don’t overly restrict yourself either. The New Moon in Aquarius on February 11th is showing you how your values can be flexible and change over time. What you feel and believe tomorrow can be different from what you perceive of yourself today. Feelings of self-worth are challenging you right now. You may hold yourself back from your own blessings. The Full Moon in Virgo on February 27th is teaching you how to see things from a different perspective. You’re allowed to change and be flexible. Your world view is being challenged and questioned. What do you believe?
As Mercury retrogrades through your house of identity and self, you may find yourself going through an existential crisis. Who are you, really? You may feel like you need to prove yourself more when really you just need your own inner validation to shine through. Feelings of inadequacy come to the forefront as your self-worth is challenged. Get to know yourself more, outside of who others have taught you to be. The New Moon in Aquarius on February 11th is teaching you something new about yourself. You’re evolving and changing as you uncover things you didn’t recognize before. Affirm yourself with words of affirmation every day. The Full Moon in Virgo on February 27th is asking you to form a more intimate bond with yourself. Do you really know yourself? Or do you pretend to know yourself? You’re allowed to question and ask, you can find solace in being a paradox.
Mercury is retrograding through your house of deeper thought and subconscious behavior, teaching you something about your past. You may feel extra nostalgic as you reflect on who you once were. Spend some time in solitude, but don’t forget to spend some time alone in nature as well. You may find people from the past return into your life, not always with the best intentions. See what they have to say and what lessons are being repeated. Your dreams are more vivid during this time, so pay attention. The New Moon in Aquarius on February 11th may send you messages through your dreams. You will find that your subconscious mind is more active during this time. Write down what your intuitive gut feelings tell you to do. The Full Moon in Virgo on February 27th is highlighting your relationships. It’s okay to feel nostalgia and not understand why. It’s okay to miss someone and still want to let them go. Communicate with your partner and let them know.