October Hoescopes 🔮

Spooky season is upon us! Angeli is here with your monthly Hoescopes to help you stay sexy while getting witchy with it. This month is packed with planetary movement, including two full moons and Mercury in retrograde, so pull those fishnets up high, stock those cauldrons, and remember to practice some self-care along the way!

With Venus now lighting up my house of sexual health on October 2nd, I understand that I need to pay attention to my own wellness. My body needs me, and I am the temple that harbors it. I make sure I am getting tested for STDS and any other health concerns that may arise. I am careful to ensure me and my sexual partners are all getting regularly tested as well. On October 2nd, the full moon in Aries shines in my house of identity. I am learning to feel more confident in my sexuality and how I express myself. I am allowed to feel sexy and free. I move through the world in a different light now. I am a brand new person, and I redefine my sexuality how I see fit. As Mercury retrogrades in my house of deeper intimacy on October 14th, I understand there is a need to build a more solid relationship with myself so that I can radiate that love with owning my sexuality. I am becoming more comfortable feeling empowered through my sexuality. How am I unlearning the parts of me that feel like sex is a taboo to explore?
The full moon in Aries illuminating my house of hidden desires on October 2nd is showing me that I don’t have to hide my deepest fantasies any more. I communicate clearly with my partner what my sexual and emotional needs are. As Venus moves through my house of self expression, I understand the importance of communication. I feel driven to show my partner more displays of my love for them and I fully receive all the gifts my partner has to offer me this month. On October 14th, Mercury will retrograde in my house of commitments and relationships. I reassess what and who is worthy of my time and energy. I am learning to have a healthier commitment to myself so that I can understand how to balance out my relationship with my loved ones. My close relationships give me an opportunity to discover myself more. I am a reflection of the people I surround myself with. How do the people in my life add value to my personal world? How do these people show me more of who I am?
On October 2nd, the full moon in Aries illuminates my house of community and friendships. I understand that I can’t always do everything alone. I surround myself with people who uplift me and support me. As Venus moves through my house of family, I understand that I may have grown up with what my family has taught me to believe about myself and my sexuality. Through the support of my loved ones, I gain multiple perspectives about the ingrained beliefs I hold within my psyche. Mercury retrograding through my house of boundaries on October 14th is showing me where I need to set stronger boundaries with my loved ones. I understand that the people who support my future respect the autonomy of my space. I am picky about who I share my time with and I understand that people who judge me are not for me. I am learning how to feel more comfortable belonging to a community. I express my sexuality with others freely as I navigate myself. How am I learning to reclaim my space this month?
With Mars retrograding through my house of how others see me, I am learning to feel more comfortable being acknowledged for who I am. I take pride in learning how to be more independent. I am praised for who I really am and I own this part of myself. On October 2nd, the full moon in Aries brings out the parts of me that magnetizes others to me. I give myself permission to express myself fully. With Venus entering my house of communication on October 2nd, I understand I can’t always bottle everything up. I give myself the freedom to bring up the harder conversations so that I can be more present in the lighter ones. As Mercury retrogrades through my house of pleasure and romance on October 14th, I now understand what my desires clearly look like. I prioritize my own romantic and sexual fulfillment before anyone else’s. I find the enlightenment to get creative in the bedroom and find new ways of connecting with my sexuality. How am I learning to give myself the freedom to be celebrated by others?
As Mars retrogrades through my house of self discovery, I am learning more about my likes and dislikes with my sexuality. The Aries full moon touches my house of higher education on October 2nd, I am empowering myself through learning all the ins and outs of who I am. I look deep within myself and I find the answers I seek. They were right there all along, waiting for me to touch them, acknowledge them, and enlighten them. Venus flows through my house of my physicality on October 2nd, this is showing me how to connect deeper to my body. I spend time pleasuring myself with my sex toys and indulge in feeling sexier using them with my lingerie. As Mercury retrogrades through my house of my cultural roots, I understand how my upbringing has impacted my sexual values. I reevaluate my own beliefs and how they have shaped me into who I am today. I am a person outside of what everyone else has taught me to be. Nobody will understand me as well I understand myself. What values do I hold that are actually mine vs what others have taught me to believe?
As Venus moves into my house of identity on October 2nd, I am feeling more confident in my relationship with myself. The self love I have been growing into radiates in my close relationships. Mars retrograding through my house of deeper intimacy is teaching me a lot about the spiritual and emotional connection I have with my body. I fully embrace this connection through learning more about my sexual fears and what they show me. The full moon in Aries on October 2nd is also illuminating my house of deeper intimacy, teaching me how to embrace my duality. I am allowed to be reserved about certain aspects of myself and more open about other parts of me. As Mercury retrogrades in my house of self expression on October 14th, I am learning more about coming into my power through confrontation. I let go of any expectations others may hold of me in regards to who I am. How am I learning to be flexible with my discipline as I navigate these swaying times?
As Venus moves through my house of my subconscious self, I am navigating the hidden parts of myself I refuse to let others see. It’s okay to expose myself to someone I trust sometimes, I am not perfect even if I try to be. The Aries full moon on October 2nd is illuminating my house of commitments and relationships. I am learning who is worthy of my time and space. Mars is also retrograding through this house, teaching me how to hold stronger boundaries in my relationships. Can others commit to me in the same way I can commit to them? What commitments may I be running from and what commitments are running from me? Mercury retrograding in my house of material values on October 14th is teaching me that I don’t always have to hold onto things that don’t serve me anymore. I am learning how to let go of certain beliefs that hold me back from accepting myself. What is it that I’m letting go of this month so that I can move forward once again?
As Mars retrogrades through my house of wellness, I am making sure to watch my health and look after my body. I prioritize my sexual wellbeing and get tested for STDs, STIs, or other suspected health issues as I take proper measures to watch over my vessel. The Aries full moon on October 2nd illuminates my house of boundaries, teaching me that I can’t always overload myself with every little task, carrying a weight that a loved one would be proud to help me with. I deserve to reach out and ask for support from someone I trust. As Mercury retrogrades through my house of identity on October 14th, I am reevaluating how I see myself in relation to others. What kind of person do I want to be in this world? More importantly, what kind of person do I want to be to myself? I am learning how to release the negative perceptions of my self image that hold me back. Venus moving through my house of community and friendship is showing me there are people that truly care about me.
Mars retrograding in my house of joy and pleasure is teaching me how to have fun through turbulent times. I reignite my passions, follow my heart, and have a lighter attitude in embracing my sexual nature. The Aries full moon on October 2nd also illuminates this house for me, showing me where my true talents lie. I recognize where I have been overlooking my creative spirit. Venus is lighting up the house of my public image, teaching me that I deserve to be recognized for who I am and what I do. I acknowledge I need to give myself more credit instead of doubting my talents. Mercury retrograding through my house of my subconscious self on October 14th is giving me the needed space to reflect on my past relationships. I learn a lot through the partners I have and every person I meet teaches me more about myself. How am I a reflection of the people I have met?
On October 2nd, the full moon in Aries is showing me how my upbringing has shaped my values. I recognize what parts of myself I may have been rejecting in order to make my family proud. Mars retrograding through my house of my roots is showing me what home really means to me. I have always been independent of everyone else, understanding how I want my future family to look like. As Venus moves through my house of self discovery, I am learning how to navigate my connection with the world in relation to myself. I understand how I may be bombarding myself with starting projects, but never finishing them. I am patient in my growth as each new thing I dive into teaches me something more about who I am. Mercury retrograding through my house of community and connections is showing me how I can place my trust in others when I feel called to. How am I learning more about who I am as a mirror to everyone else?
As Venus moves through my house of deeper intimacy, I am learning and unlearning the parts of my shadow I keep hidden from others. I acknowledge, accept, and integrate even the parts of myself I may dislike. Mars retrograding through my house of self expression and communication is bringing up some much needed conversations. On October 2nd, the Aries full moon illuminates how I can channel my creativity through my sexual expression. I have the complete freedom to showcase my true self to others. As the Sun in Libra moves through my house of higher education, I am learning more about the way I want to present myself to others. This year may have been rough for me, but I have been integrating what I have learned into who I am becoming. Mercury retrograding through my house of how others see me on October 14th is showing me how I am always noticed for being a mystery no one can solve. I am learning how to be transparent about who I am and I acknowledge that I am not a wall for others to project onto.
As the Sun in Libra moves through my house of deeper intimacy, I have learned a lot about how to define myself outside of other people. Having a therapist or mentor helps me navigate the hidden parts of myself. I am open to receiving help from someone else and I understand how I can grow through this. Mars retrograding through my house of values and possessions is showing me how I need to treat myself more. It is okay for me to be selfish sometimes and that is just a sign of me valuing myself first. I am being shown how It is time for me to be a little more selfish. On October 14th, Mercury starts retrograding through my house of self discovery, teaching about what I truly want to dive more into. I am learning to hold myself accountable to respecting my sexuality more and its place in my inner world.