Sex-Positive Black-Owned Businesses You Should Support in 2022 (and Always)

Photos from Oui The People, Naughty Sinsation, Black Girl Magik, & Enby
Graphic by Kiah Nagasaka
In celebration of Black History Month, we compiled a list of empowering, thoughtful, sex-positive, & black-owned wellness brands to support!! From sex toys and lingerie to feminine-care products and topicals to sex educators and producers, this extensive list has something for everyone! 😍
(Tip: make sure to follow them ALL on Instagram to stay in the know and get daily updates on all of their incredible products and content)
Heal Haus @healhaus
Stuzo Clothing @stuzoclothing
EngErotics @engerotics
Loyalty Bookstore @loyaltybooks
Black Girl Magik @blackgirlmagic
Noirebud @noirebud
Trans Is Beautiful Apparel, Bye Gender @transisbeautiful
Actually Curious @actuallyc_rious
Black Honey Toys @blackhoneytoys
gc2b @gc2b
Noir At Nite
Oui The People @ouithepeople
Sensual Honey Wellness @theoriginalsweetyonitea
KinkCrate @kinkcrate_official
Alexandra Winbush @alexandrawinbush
Enby @shopenby
Afrosexology @afrosexology_
No Sesso @nosesso
Naaya Wellness @naaya.wellness
Haute Butch @hautebutch
Femly @femly
Two Minds Press @twomindspress
Show & Tell @showtelloakland
The Butters Hygienics @getthebutters
Feelmore @feelmoreadult
Aphrodites Playground @aphroditesplayground
Black Women Cry @blackwomencry
Liam Woods @Analoguepapi
Nene’s Fem Health @nenefemhealth
Anya Lust @anya_lust
BLK + GRN @blkandgrn
Overkink @overkinkshop_ (carry us)
Trauma Queen ~ Jimanekia Eborn @jimanekia
Softspot @mysoftspots
Bevel @bevel
Lumberjill Lovecrafts @lumberjill.lovecrafts
Blackmarzian @blackmarzian
Therapy For Black Girls @therapyforblackgirls
Hoelisticshop @hoelisticshop
On The Green Couch with Sexologist Shamyra @sexologistshamyra
Honey Pot @thehoneypotco
Tabu @talk.tabu
Hella Thrifty @hellathrifty
Private Packs @privatepacks
Mama Glow @mamaglow
Seduction By Lace @seductionbylace
Ethels Club @etherlsclub
Pink and White Productions @pinkandwhiteproductions
Organic Loven @organicloven
Ruby Love @shoprubylove
Bedroom Kandi @bedroomkandi
Kolby Brianne Handmade Leather Wear @kolbybrianneleather
Something Classier @somethingclassier
Indulgence Boutique @indulgencebtq69
New York Toy Collective @newyorktoycollective
Harts Desires @hartsdesires
Kinky Choices @kinkychoices
Fly Girl Collective @flygirlcollective
LyLyth Erotica & Lingerie @lylyth_offical
Naughty Sinsation @naughty.sinsation
Ardentley @shopardentley
Black Queer Magic @blackqueermagic
Jade & Fox Co. @jadefoxco
b condoms @bcondoms
Sex on the Table @_sexonthetable
Aya Brown @ayabrown.tiff
Oh baby! @chefohbaby
The Hidden Vault @thehiddenvault
SlutShack @_slutshack
Hillfox Club @hillfoxclub
SimiSex @simisexx_
Decolonizing Fitness @decolonizing_fitness
Brooke Jones @bodiedbybrooke
Kimberly & Brittany @kimbritive
Froetic Sexology @freefroetic
Texas Isaiah @kingtexas
Rukiat @iamrukiat
A Tribe Called Queer @atribecalledqueer
Brownie Points For You @browniepointsforyou
Kris Harring @krisharringofficial
Savage X Fenty @savagexfenty