Tips For Molding A Big D*** 🍆

Congratulations, your johnson is larger than average! We think willies of all shapes and sizes are perfect, but if your D is too big for our penis molding kits, you are a rarity. While huge schlongs are the norm in most mainstream porn, the average size of an erect penis is 5.16 inches!
Although Clone-A-Willy kits were created with the average penis in mind, we know outliers exist and, as always, we are here to help.

Tip #1 ~ Use extra molding powder
If the penis being molded is larger than average (or what we consider XL based on the criteria above), we suggest purchasing extra molding powder before you use your Clone-A-Willy kit.
Extra molding powder is always good to have on hand. Since our DIY molding kits are a bit of a sexy science project, having the insurance of another try helps ease any nerves and ensure the best possible outcome.
Tip #2 ~ Use extra silicone
Over the years of selling our penis molding kits, we've found that extra silicone is often needed for penises 9 inches or over. However, each penis is unique, and several factors come into play (girth, curve, etc.). Depending on each individual willy, extra silicone can sometimes be needed if it is less than 9 inches.
If you want to make a non-vibrating dildo, you'll definitely need extra silicone. Since our kits are designed around using the vibrator to properly disperse the silicone we supply, you will want to purchase extra silicone if you plan not to use the vibrator at all.
Pro Tip: Make sure to select the correct molding powder or silicone refill option from the drop-down menu to the right of the product listing before adding to cart.
Tip #3 ~ Use our XL Vibrator
We also sell an XL Vibrator that can be useful in adequately displacing silicone for replicas of larger willies. It is the same vibrator that comes with our Clone-A-Willy kit, just BIGGER!
Tip #4 ~ What to do if the tube is too small
A common misconception is that our Clone-A-Willy Plus+ Balls Kits are created for XL willies. But that's false! The "Plus" in "Plus+ Balls" signifies that particular molding kits function of making a replica of BOTH the penis shaft AND the balls.
Our Clone-A-Willy molding tube is 11 inches long an 2.5 inches wide. While we only offer one size of tube, a great alternative option is needed is any plastic water bottle with the top cut off if a larger molding vessel is needed.
Simply pick one out around the house or at your local grocery store that seems like a good fit! (We've had lots of feedback that Smart Water bottles are a great shape and size for this)
Tip #5 ~ Email us with any questions
We are always just a few clicks away and ready to help troubleshoot any other problem you might have! One of our owners is a Chemist, who created our DIY molding kits during his Ph.D. program. We are always happy to pass along any questions you might have to get an expert opinion!