September Hoescopes 🔮

The planets have some messages in store for all of you hoes on the go! Fall is cumming, and cuffing season is near. The time is now to get all that wild (and safe) sexual energy out of your system while we are all still out and about!
The New Moon in Virgo is in my sixth house of work and routine, and I'm feeling called to switch up my daily habits. I give myself the space to visualize how I want my schedule to look this month so I know exactly where to put in the work.
This New Moon is inspiring me to get together with some friends and have some one-on-one time. I've been so focused on the hustle, and I'm forgetting to connect with the souls that inspire me every step of the way. I want to do a little something special for the people I love, and that means my partner too. This is a perfect time to plan a candlelit date, share my heart with them, and end the night in some passionate lovemaking.
The Full Moon enters Pisces on September 20th and has me feeling more creative than ever! I feel like I'm filled to the brim with all these wonderful ideas- now, where can I find the time to execute them all? I have this insane urge to create whenever I get in touch with my heart, so this is the perfect time to let my intuition guide me. That passion project I lacked inspiration for is about to get completed in record time!
The New Moon entering Virgo on September 6th is teaching me how to bring in the fun! I've been craving some excitement in my life, and I didn't even know it. I'm tired of everything feeling the same- I'm ready to make time for wild adventures and even wilder sex. I am not ashamed to be a hedonist. I simply know what I deserve. My mind has been so filthy lately, and I'm ready to turn these fantasies into memories.
The Full Moon in Pisces on the 20th has me putting my deepest desires into action. I've been meaning to travel to take care of some business, and doing so during this transit will be incredibly fruitful for me. All kinds of adventures, whether it's a business trip, a study abroad opportunity, a road trip, or even a family visit, has the potential to propel me towards my dreams. I'm not sure how yet, but as long as I keep my eyes open to opportunities, I'm sure this will be the case!
I'm usually all about people, but during this Virgo New Moon, I've drawn myself thin. I'm just fine, I swear. All I want is to come home and dream. I have been craving a moment of solitude, so I will allow myself to cherish my own company. I'm ready to make a fresh start in my life, and I plan to make the best of it during this moon cycle. I'll spend the next few days in my mental castle, musing on my dreams, experiences, and what's coming next for me. This is the perfect time to journal about what truly sparks passion in my life. Cause even when I'm alone, it's never a dull moment for me!
Venus is entering the sign of Scorpio on September 10th, and it's highlighting some conflicts in my relationships. Arguments, falling-outs, breakups, and the inevitable make-up sex seems more likely than ever. The best thing for me to do is avoid passionate confrontations and arguments as much as possible and turn up the passion in the bedroom instead.
This New Moon in Virgo is shining on my third house of communication, and I've been putting a lot of thought into how I carry myself and conduct my speech. Depending on how I express myself, I have the opportunity to touch the hearts of the people around me, reach out to the masses, and be heard by millions. My voice is charming and captivating, and I'm sexy as hell. I plan to use it to my advantage. I've been craving more intense and intimate conversation too. I want the words I speak to open up my lover petal by petal and touch them in their core.
The Full Moon in Pisces on September 20th has me feeling more sensitive than usual. It's a little easier for my partner to upset me. I allow myself to feel my emotions as intensely as I need and cultivate the space to listen to my desires. If I allow my heart to guide me, I know the universe will conspire to work in my favor. This is an especially good time to connect with my spirituality and listen to my higher self's guidance.
The New Moon in Virgo is inspiring me to change my mindset on money and wealth. This is the perfect time to meditate on what wealth truly means for me and how I can attain it. I know how to get money, but if I get better at managing and investing it, I know I can find true financial liberty. I am confident in myself and what I can achieve. If I've been thinking about a new financial enterprise, an idea, or investment, there is no better time to put it into action than now.
Mars is entering Libra on the 14th, and this transit is inspiring me to pay more attention to my body. Am I taking care of myself? Do I feel and look good? Am I eating right and getting movement in my daily life? It's a good idea to meditate on how I'm treating this body and what more I could do for it. I want to make more time for self-maintenance and self-care because I know it'll have me feeling my best. As a reward, I could even treat myself to a night of fun by myself- sexual energy is life energy, so I'm ready to get it flowing!
The New Moon is entering my sign on September 6th, and this can only mean one thing for me: a fresh start! I've been meaning to take the time to reflect on my personal growth and all the things I have learned and achieved in the past few months. It is so important for me to remember how far I have come lately- seeing the progress I've made is the most motivating thing in the world for me. This is the perfect time to focus on my education too. What is it that I want to learn during the next moon cycle, and what do I plan to do with it?
Mercury is going retrograde in Libra on September 27th, and this is likely to surface a lot of underground tensions with my partner. Differences may be piling up between us, so it's important that we make time and space to talk to each other about what's happening in our inner worlds. But I know that I'm an excellent communicator, and everything can be resolved with a delicious dinner and a night of fun in the bedroom.
The New Moon in Virgo is sitting in my twelfth house of the shadow. I'm going to be real with myself and acknowledge that I have some inner work to do. The twelfth house governs all things that are hidden and unseen, so I need to meditate on the aspects of myself that I'm hiding away. I feel called to start a dream journal. My dreams have been insanely vivid lately, and it's time to use them to my advantage and decode my inner puzzles. It's time to find out how well I really know myself.
The Sun is entering my sign on September 22nd- happy birthday to me! This is a time for me to focus on my deepest rooted desires. Sometimes the world around me gets too exhausting to deal with, so I'm going to focus on treating myself. Maybe I'll go on a little birthday shopping spree to fulfill my Venusian nature. I want to feel just as good as I look, so maybe some lingerie and a handful of sex toys are in order, just to spice up my birthday night.
During this New Moon in Virgo on September 6th, I've been yearning for true connection. I realize that I don't know my community as well as I could, and honestly, I could do with a few more friends- maybe even a partner. I feel more empowered during this Virgo New Moon to get out there and talk to that one person I've been secretly wanting to make sweet love to. With my charming and sultry nature, I know I can attract anyone I want.
For once in my life, I've even been thinking about the collective. I wonder what people at large think of me, what role I play, and what kind of impact I have on the world. Maybe I should do something about it, and this is the perfect time to make something special happen for the team. Who knows, my sudden bout of goodness might end up coming back to me someday.
Venus is entering my sign on September 10th, and it's ruled by the 12th house of mystery. I've been drawn towards all those things that spark beauty and pleasure- travel, conversation, and excellent sex. I feel called to drop everything now, take a road trip with a fling, and get away from the world as we know it. Absolutely nothing in the world sounds better than that.
This New Moon in Virgo has me thinking about all the things I value- fame, popularity, status! They can call me vain or whatever else they like, but I don't subscribe to those rules. What I am is ambitious. I know I'm going to achieve every single one of my goals, and I'll come out on top when I do.
This is the time to put on my best face and hit the spotlight- social media is just flowing for me, baby. I've been feeling called to take part in a few functions and make the connections that are going to make things so much easier. There is no star in this universe that is out of my reach!
Venus is entering Scorpio on the 10th, and this is the best time to listen to my wants and my needs. As I am motivated and inspired by beauty, I want to make time to focus on the things that feel beautiful and pleasurable to me. I allow myself to be high maintenance- maybe I've been meaning to beautify my room, do my hair, or get a makeover. I can't ignore my sexual needs either… I guess I'll invite my partner over so they can cater to my desires too!
This New Moon in Virgo is calling me to question the pillars I have built my inner home on. I allow myself to question my beliefs, visions, and dreams. Do I know what I truly want out of life, or am I just going along with what others have always expected of me? Now is the time to reflect. If questioning my stances means rebuilding myself from the ground up, then so be it. I will not allow myself to stand on a shaky foundation and live according to others' expectations for me. I will retreat from under the watchful eyes of society, and take a journey, a pilgrimage into myself. What do I need to do now so I can feel accomplished on my terms?
Libra season is starting on September 22nd, and I've been keeping more to myself than ever. I feel like an alien in this society. I struggle with understanding people, and because of it, it's been hard for me to keep my cool. I allow myself to make the space to listen to my needs while also being tactful to the people around me.
It's time for me to focus on the things that create joy. I need to remember that I don't have to do everything by myself, so this is a great time to plan a date with my partner and de-stress from daily life. I want to connect deeply and intimately with them and have the kind of sex that will spark passion and desire in my life.
The New Moon in Virgo on September 6th has me withdrawing from society and focusing on myself. I want to learn all I possibly can, not just about the world but about me too. I allow myself the space to retreat into my inner world and do the inner work. What are my values? What do I believe in? Where do I most want to travel, and what do I hope to learn from it?
This is a good time to reflect on my education, too! Is there a course I've been meaning to take, a mentorship, a certificate, or a degree that will take me closer to my dream life? These are all questions that I should meditate on.
The Sun entering Libra on September 22nd is teaching me how to best use my energy. I tend to get caught in the fast pace of life and wear myself out, leaving little of myself for my friends, my family, and my partner. This Libra season is helping me understand how to work smarter and not harder, so I can spend more time with the people I love. I want to get to know the people in my life more deeply, And I'm feeling more captivated by my partner than ever. I want to know everything about them, what they love, what they hate, what makes them tick, and especially what gets them off. I'm excited to understand a side of them that no one else has seen before!
The New Moon in Virgo is getting me to think about how I can connect with and serve my community. This is a great time to find like-minded people and make new connections and bonds with a variety of people. This is also a great time to spend time with myself too and focus on the inner work I've been putting off. I've been feeling called to heal aspects of myself and my past that keep resurfacing. This is a good time to meditate with the intention of creating a bond with myself and especially my inner child.
The Full Moon is entering my sign, and emotions are running high. I've been setting my eyes on someone new, and I just don't know what to do with myself! But I know with my charming, flirty, and endearing nature, I can attract the partner of my dreams. Maybe I'll start dropping a few hints and go shopping for some cute lingerie and toys just in case we end up having a bit of fun.