Blog — clone kit
When it comes to our DIY Molding Kits, they are more than just a tube filled with raw materials and a set of clear, easy-to-follow instructions. They are your gateway to creating personalized sex toys right at home! Naturally, this sparks a lot of curiosity and...
Clone-A-Willy x Drive-Away Dolls 🚗 🎬
Surprise! We created a custom Clone-A-Willy Kit in celebration of Ethan Cohen's new film, Drive-Away Dolls 💼 🍆 the story of two ladies going south with many surprises along the way 💘 Shop our limited edition Clone-A-Willy X Drive-Away Dolls Molding Kit and Read more
Clone-A-Willy & Clone-A-Pussy:
The Ultimate Valentine's Date Experience 💘
It's that time again and we can't think of anything that goes together better than Clone-A-Willy / Clone-A-Pussy and Valentine's Day! Although we believe in spreading love (and of course pleasure) all year round, we're not mad about a special day to be even more extra about...
10 Reasons Why the Clone-A-Willy & Clone-A-Pussy Kits Make The Best Bachelor / Bachelorette Present Ever 🎊
Wedding season has arrived and around every corner is another couple celebrating their upcoming nuptials! Finding the perfect gift for the bride or groom can be daunting -- the options seem endless. Fortunately, you've found yourself on our website, where the most unique (and unexpected) present...
Diary of a POCF: "Beyond the Dildo"
Megan is a writer and lifestyle blogger married to a commercial fisherman who presented her with a Clone-A-Willy the summer he fished for three full straight months. They got the mold right the second time, and now Megan encourages other partners...
Does Size Matter With the Clone-A-Willy Kit?
Does penis size matter with the Clone-A-Willy? In a word: No. We think willies of all shapes and sizes are perfect, and you are a rarity if your D is too big for our penis molding kits. The Clone-A-Willy kit is designed (by a chemist) to replicate...
Hoe On The Go
Summer is coming to a close, and we are all trying to squeeze in a few last adventures. But don't worry, it's never too late to be a hoe on the go! (and our kits make the best travel accessories) Whether you, 1. Just...
A Lesson on Procrasturbating Birthday Gifts
Cloning my dick was the best science experiment I never knew I needed. My friend didn’t realize he needed it, either, and that was probably the best part of that birthday present. I can’t wait to procrastinate for next year’s birthday present! Now, how can I clone this...
End of Summer Self-Love 🌤️
While we still have until the end of September to see the official end of the summer, it often feels like the last bit of the season is the longest part. Before we all lean into the cooler months, we thought it would be a good time to consider...
August Hoescopes 🔮
Summer is winding down, the leaves are starting to change color, and we are speeding towards cuffing season at high speed! But before we all couple up and go into hibernation mode, the planets have a few more opportunities of connection lined up this month. Take advantage of this time...
Sex Sells Finale Featuring Clone-A-Willy On Fuse TV
The Clone-A-Willy Team is so excited to share our recent interview and feature on the Fuse TV series Sex Sells! Airs Monday July 26th, 11:00PM PST on Fuse TV Enjoy this short clip and watch the full Finale episode (108) Read more
The Ultimate Guide to Molding Your Penis or Vulva!
We realize that making a copy of your penis or vulva is something you probably don't do every day! The DIY molding process can be a new and sometimes intimidating experience. When's the last time you stuck your bits into a vessel of lukewarm molding goo? Never mind....
Wildest Dildo News of the Last Decade
We’ve had a lot of talk about dildos, dicks, and vibes in the news, which is pretty amazing in and of itself because only thirty years ago, women’s sex toys were still a...
Date Crashing with UpDating ~ Episode 1
UpDating hosts Harrison and Brandon crash a random date in NYC on behalf of Clone-A-Willy and send them home with a surprise that's sure to spice up the evening!
Valentine’s Day: The Gender Reveal
Valentine’s Day is a special milestone unlike any other time during earth’s never-ending struggle laps around the sun. Zoom in on this Google Earth, and take in the splendor of the curious human race. You will find each specimen is totally engrossed in… ahhhh, a traditional makeout seshbreeding! (in this...
Clone-A-Willy Interview in
Washington Square Park NYC
Our pal Arielle Kaplan (@whoregasmic on IG) interviewed folks in Washington Park NYC on behalf of the Clone-A-Willy team!
Sexual Resolutions 🥂
When we make our New Year's resolutions, we most often focus on either our physical or mental health. We want to go on diets, get more exercise, read more, or be more spontaneous, while our sex lives are rarely considered. Can we stop pretending like sexual health isn’t a...
Spread The Love ~ DIY Molding
Kits That Bring You Closer 👼
Our Clone-A-Willy and Clone-A-Pussy DIY molding kits create space for craft, laughter, vulnerability, and intimacy that will bring you closer (with yourself or with that special someone)! Your part is art after all. Pro tip: The penis and vulva replicas made with...
12 Tips for Making a Copy of Your Penis
We realize that making a copy of your dick is something you probably don't do every day. The penis molding process can be a new and sometimes intimidating experience. When's the last time you stuck...
Cannabis, STI Awareness, and Sex Ed:
A Conversation With Lady Business 🧠
Here in Portland, we are #blessed to be surrounded by a plethora of badass babes! Creative babes, tech babes, business babes, foodie babes, educational babes, you name it, we have them. We have had the pleasure (pun intended) of working with the local social movement Lady...
Hoescopes ~ November 🔮
In this month's run of our new sexy astrology column HoeScopes written by Six, The Sextrologer, we're focusing on self care! November is kicking off with intense #CuffingSzn vibes. With the Sun, Mercury retrograde and Venus all in the deep and sultry sign of...
Weed And Sex: A Conversation
With Ladies Of Paradise 🌳
Here at Clone-A-Willy HQ, we love to collaborate with other local Portland businesses, especially if they're also female-run. One of our favorite teams to work with are the lovely ladies over at Ladies of Paradise, a cannabis creative agency and brand house. Read more
Sex Expo Recap ~ Best Looks 🔥
We had a blast at the Sex Expo earlier this month in NYC and were so blown away by all the gorgeous people we got to meet! We've compiled our favorite looks from the event for your viewing pleasure ~ enjoy 💞
Give Yourself Some Extra Love ~ You Deserve It 💖
Gif by Bea Crespo Today is World Mental Health Day! While we should advocate against the social stigma of mental illness every day, having a day on our calendars makes space to shed a little extra light on global mental health...
Introducing ~ HoeScopes 🔮
We're excited to announce our HoeScopes! Tune in seasonly for your dose of sexy astrology realness 💋
Clone A Pussy Plus+ Demo Video
Presenting the second video in our new demo series: the Clone A Pussy Plus+ Kit. The Clone A Pussy Plus+ Kit is a fully functional, custom pocket pussy, and the...
Doctor Climax’s Molding Tips
Some tips and a review from Doctor Climax! "The Clone A Willy received my full attention the first moment I found out about it. The ability to make a 1:1 replica of my own willy satisfied both my ego and my need to find my wife a good gift for an...
Clone A Willy Attends the Berlin Film Society’s
Erika Lust “XConfessions” Screening in Berlin (NSFW)
Still from “Some Never Awaken”. Credit: Erika Lust Last month, Clone A Willy had the opportunity to attend the Berlin Film Society’s steamy night of erotic short films by Erika...
12 Life Hacks For Cloning Your Willy
We realize that cloning your Willy is something you probably don't do everyday. The molding process in particular can be a little strange. When's the last time you stuck your erect penis into a tube full of weird, white goo? Never mind. Don't answer that. Here are some tips...
The Steps to Cloning-A-Willy
1. MIX MOLDING GELThe first step of the cloning process is to create a precise negative mold of your willy. To achieve the highest level of detail, each Clone A Willy Kit contains a specially formulated...