Blog — horoscopes
We've got your monthly dose of Hoescopes just in time to start planning out your hoeliday dates, hook-ups, and other sexy hangs! Things might be cooling down outside, but they are heating up in the bedroom 🔥
June Hoescopes 🔮
The planets have A LOT going on this month as we dive right into Gemini Season! As the weather warms up and COVID restrictions relax (thank you vaccinations), we are feeling the duality of the excitement to re-emerge into society while also already missing all that extra solo time!Angeli is...
May Hoescopes 🔮
As summer creeps closer, everyone is anxious to squeeze in a little more social time, but first on the agenda is to check in with yourself after a LONG winter! And this season's hottest accessory (besides face coverings and vaccinations, of course) is your sex toy of choice! It's Masturbation...
March Hoescopes 🔮
Spring is around the corner, the flowers are blooming, birds are singing, and we're all ready for a little more human interaction! Curious what the planets have in store for you? Read on for some insight into harnessing this month's power, especially when it comes to pleasure, self-love, and self-care!
January Hoescopes 🔮
2021 is here and we are all manifesting brighter times! There is a collective sense of hope as we start to navigate the new year, and the planets are in our favor. With the "stargaze window" opening up in the night sky again on January 6th, after the last...
December Hoescopes 🔮
Your ho-ho-hoescopes are here! See what the stars have in store for you this hoeliday season and how to practice self-care / pleasure along the way ~
November Hoescopes 🔮
It's election week and we are all stressed. Luckily our gal Angeli has this month's Hoescopes fresh off the press to remind us all to practice a little extra self-care this month and that pleasure is the best form of resistance!
October Hoescopes 🔮
Spooky season is upon us! Angeli is here with your monthly Hoescopes to help you stay sexy while getting witchy with it. This month is packed with planetary movement, including two full moons and Mercury in retrograde, so pull those fishnets up high, stock those cauldrons, and remember to...
September Hoescopes 🔮
Our September Hoescopes are here and we're excited to officially introduce our newest sextrologist, Angeli, who is taking over the series! Read on to see what this month has in store for you ~ ...
August Hoescopes 🔮
Can you believe it's already August? Summer is flying by but we've got a fresh round of Hoescopes to keep you present! This month's horoscopes were written by our babe Six The Sextrologer with the help of Angeli, who will be taking over...
July Hoescopes 🔮
Our babe Six The Sextrologer is adding some HEAT to the summer with our July Hoescopes ~ read through for your fresh mantra of self-love and see what the planets have in store for your sex life!
June Hoescopes 🔮
June has started off in a historic way. This month's planetary shifts are unveiling many truths and creating space for change! Our resident Sextrologer, Six, is back again with some epic Hoescopes that help remind us to check-in with ourselves and the power of pleasure...
May Hoescopes 🔮
April might have left many of us feeling powerless, but our girl Six the Sextrologist has a fresh round of Hoescopes to help us all reclaim our power and manifest the sexiest May yet!
April Hoescopes 🔮
April Hoescopes are here to guide you through your spring quarantine! Six The Sexstrologer has some special social distancing mantras to keep us fresh and vibrant. We are all stuck inside and presented with many silver linings during the pandemic. Use this time to really check-in with...
March Hoescopes 🔮
Spring is around the corner and we're all wading our way through Mercury in Retrograde (only a couple more days)! Our resident Sexologist, Six, has some fresh self-affirmations to help us be our best damn selves this month!
Hoescopes ~ February 🔮
This month we are celebrating soul searching, self-realization, and prioritizing our most valuable relationship -- the one with ourselves. 🌹 Our amazing resident Sexstrologer, Six, has some necessary mantras for us to shake off the last bits of winter lethargy, deepen our community connections, and look forward to the warmth...
Hoescopes ~ January 2020 🔮
A new decade is here and we are setting intentions for 2020 to be the best year yet! Our resident Sextrologist Six has revamped her horoscopes from the first person to double as positive affirmations! (trying reading them out loud to fully internalize) ✨
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Hoescopes ~ December 🔮
December Hoescopes are here! This month Six, The Sextrologer has some tips for staying sane during the holiday season.
Hoescopes ~ November 🔮
In this month's run of our new sexy astrology column HoeScopes written by Six, The Sextrologer, we're focusing on self care! November is kicking off with intense #CuffingSzn vibes. With the Sun, Mercury retrograde and Venus all in the deep and sultry sign of...
Introducing ~ HoeScopes 🔮
We're excited to announce our HoeScopes! Tune in seasonly for your dose of sexy astrology realness 💋