June Hoescopes 🔮

June has started off in a historic way. This month's planetary shifts are unveiling many truths and creating space for change! Our resident Sextrologer, Six, is back again with some epic Hoescopes that help remind us to check-in with ourselves and the power of pleasure in self-care.
*If you aren't following @blackwomencry on Instagram already you should be!*
This month has left me in a sexual frenzy, which is fairly typical, but this frenzy is a little uncalled for. With Neptune in my house of hidden desires and dreams, it's difficult to discern the difference between being trapped and actually having the opportunity to outrun some demons. I am holding compassion for myself this month. My sexual desires are running rampant, as overactive imaginations usually do. The sun is in Gemini for most of June and is encouraging me to take inventory on my list of desires. I am curious if satisfaction will be especially sweet on June 21. I am looking forward to the full moon and perhaps gaining some clarity. While the month will be done by June 28, that's also when Mars will finally enter my house of self, providing me with the confidence I need to take on precisely what I need.
I am feeling sentimental and tender, craving comfort foods and soft textures. The ruler of my house of pleasure, Mercury, the planet of communication, is in Cancer within my house of self-expression. I am feeling the way I blend my words becoming silkier as the month progresses. You'll always catch more flies with honey than you will vinegar, which is why I won't hesitate to speak my needs to my community members. While outcomes won't occur overnight in the land of Taurus, I am committed to seeing this whole Venus retrograde in Gemini transit through. It's encouraging me to look at my possessions, what's taking up space within my space, what items will eventually need to go. While change is difficult, there's no reason to live in the past. As the Sun tightens its conjunction with the North node of fate, I am coming to understand the difference between my wants and my needs.
My parts are tingling, but I'm not jumping down just any ol' rabbit hole. With Venus retrograde in Gemini taking up space in my house of self, I am turning my attention towards my sexual desires and fantasies. Truthfully there may not be any crazy new experiences to indulge in, but there are plenty of new revelations to come to. With Sun conjunct Venus at the beginning of the month and Mercury in Cancer within my house of values, there will be no hesitations politely expressing my random curiosities. I am taking the time to enjoy and experiment with my current partner (cloned parts included). With the North node of fate within my house of self in Gemini, I expect that I will be able to understand an entirely new side of myself by the time June is done.
I am fully coming into myself this month, which means owning up to a lot of my hidden desires and digging deep into my unconscious perspectives. Many fated scenarios could occur this month, not even COVID-19 can keep my curiosity from running high. As opposed to running around and experimenting in person, I am taking the time to explore those digital-clubs and allowing for more "intriguing" virtual conversations. Not all doors need to be opened, and some rocks really could go left unturned, but that's ultimately up for me to decipher. Saturn retrograde slowly transitioning from my house of intimacy and into my house of close relationships is ushering up conversations regarding boundaries and structures. There are significant growth and transformation to be had for me this month, perhaps making something official with a special someone?
I am spending the month of June working on my relationships, which includes creating boundaries within my close relationships. Jupiter, the ruler of my house of pleasure and creativity, is retrograde in my house of health, routine, and work. While I may have sexual desires, urges, and fantasies, much of my focus is on transforming my world of work. Whether or not I am still within my old job, creating new work for myself, or trying to figure out what to do next, I take time to unwind and enjoy myself. There will always be work that needs to be done, so I am committing to penciling "me time" on my calendar. While pleasure shouldn't feel like a chore, that doesn't mean I can't carve out time for it. With Venus retrograde in Gemini, perhaps this is the month to re-explore a few of my curious and experimental sexual fantasies. While now might not be the best time to sexually engage with others physically, there's nothing wrong with having a little phone sex.
The ruler of my house of pleasure and creativity, Saturn, the planet of structure and governing, is retrograde in the sign Aquarius within my house of health and routine. Now is the perfect time to commit to checking on my physical, mental, emotional, and sexual health. While there is no need to look for problems that do not exist, it is essential to practice self-exams to make sure everything is ok. Routine health check-ups are not limited to my physical body and can also include dedicating a day to washing and charging my sex toy collection. With Jupiter, the planet of expansion and abundance conjunct Pluto, the planet of transformation and death, I am open to looking for new sexual apparatuses and sex toys for my "pleasure trunk." It's out with the old and decaying and in with the new and sexually inspiring!
It's time to slow my roll and recognize where I am when it comes to enjoying pleasure. Saturn, the ruler of my house of pleasure, is retrograde within the sign of Aquarius, which is calling for me to commit more energy towards my creative and pleasurable endeavors. With Saturn retrograde, I am taking a deeper consideration for who gets to share in the Libra bubble that I have created for myself. While I have urges and sexual desires, I am coming to see that not all people need to become a part of my world. Saturn in Aquarius is teaching me that some relationships require a lot more detachment than I may have initially realized, which could translate into developing new boundaries for those who are considered dear to me. As Saturn tightens its conjunction with Jupiter retrograde, the planet of abundance and expansion, I am beginning to put a name to the things that I require from my relationships with others. There's no rush to lay down the law, there's so much more that will be revealed as I take a break for myself.
There is a lot of work to be done within the world of pleasure and desire, and June might be a month of self-imposed solitude to receive the clarity I need. Jupiter, the ruler of my house of pleasure, is within my house of self-expression and communication. It is becoming clear to me that the only way to reach any satisfaction is by overtly expressing what I need. With Jupiter retrograde and conjunct Pluto retrograde, the planet of death and transformation, I am slowly gaining clarity over exactly how I can express my sexual desires to others. There is nothing wrong with having high standards or expectations. As June progresses, even if it's only on paper (or online), I am allowing myself to become loud and clear in communicating all of my desires.
Chiron is within my house of pleasure, and it is encouraging me to heal from previous heartbreaks, disappointments, and subconscious fears. There may not be a need to understand exactly where my fears came from, but instead to understand how they are significantly impacting my life. With Mars, the ruler of my house of pleasure, transiting through my house of family and home, I may be working to hash through familial drama or stress within my home life. There is no shame in letting the stresses of life impact me. In fact, it's quite normal for our anxieties and concerns to travel with us in the bedroom. Now isn't the time to push myself into sexual feelings or situations if I don't feel comfortable, there's nothing wrong with taking a break.
There are so many twists, turns, and surprises for me to experience, which includes allowing myself to get lost in my sensual desires. With Uranus the planet of chaos and rebellion within my house of pleasure and creativity, June is a month that may be colored by intriguing and "appetizing" indulgences. While I typically might shy away from utilizing food in the bedroom, there are so many other ways to tap into my Taurus-like sexual energy. With the ruler of my house of pleasure, Venus, transiting in the sign Taurus, within my house of routine and health, I am becoming curious about the benefits of aroma-therapy in the bedroom. If there is anything I think is worth investing in, it will be tools and possessions that enable me to enjoy sex and sexuality on a deeper level. I am investing in candles, oils, and other apparatuses to enhance my pleasure between the sheets.
With Mercury in Cancer, the ruler of my house of pleasure, is taking a softer approach to life. During June, I may feel readily moved and inspired by my daily feelings and desires. While it is essential to stay true to my feelings, needs, and desires, it's also important to manage my emotions and think before I speak. Cancer is a cardinal water sign, which means that it's very easy to get caught up in the tides of emotions, especially during the quarantine. I am remaining steadfast in my commitments, and while I may miss my friends and loved ones more so now with Mercury retrograde on June 18, I am remembering to pace myself and remain grounded in reality. With Mercury, the planet of communication loosely conjunct Mars, the planet of libido and passion throughout early June, I expect to feel a surprising rush of fantasies and sexual possibilities manifest in my mind. While I am unable to actively pursue everything I'd like to try, I'm allowing myself free range to explore and question my sexual desires and fantasies.
June is starting off with Mercury, the planet of communication in the sign Cancer within my house of pleasure and creativity. This time may encourage me to be softer and more sensitive in regards to expressing my sexual desires and interests. Cancer Mercury is making loose conjunction to the North Node of fate in Gemini is ushering in destined conversations to occur. Therefore I will be keeping an ear open, especially for any calls coming from home. These messages could come in the form of dreams, literal conversations, or faint memories, and I must take note of the messages expressed to me during this month. With the new moon in Cancer occurring on June 21, I am open to allowing the universe to introduce a new perspective on potentially "old" sexual experiences. With Mercury retrograde in Cancer within my house of pleasure highlighted in my chart at the end of the month, I am being careful about which calls I allow myself to answer.