Does Size Matter With the Clone-A-Willy Kit?

Does penis size matter with the Clone-A-Willy? In a word: No.
We think willies of all shapes and sizes are perfect, and you are a rarity if your D is too big for our penis molding kits. The Clone-A-Willy kit is designed (by a chemist) to replicate any penis! The molding tube for our DIY Penis Molding Kit measures 11 inches long and 2.5 inches wide. While massive schlongs are the norm in most mainstream porn, the average size of an erect penis is 5.16 inches!
Although Clone-A-Willy kits were created with the average penis in mind, we know outliers exist, and, as always, we are here to help. If the penis being molded is larger than average (or what we consider XL based on our size chart), we suggest purchasing extra molding powder before using your Clone-A-Willy kit. You may also need extra silicone. Over the years of selling our DIY molding kits, we've found that extra silicone is often required for penises 9 inches or over. However, each penis is unique, and several factors come into play (girth, curve, etc.).
A common misconception is that our Clone-A-Willy Plus+ Balls Kits are created for XL willies. But that's false! The "Plus" in "Plus+ Balls" signifies that particular molding kits function of making a replica of BOTH the penis shaft AND the balls. While we only offer one tube size, a great alternative option is to use a plastic water bottle with the top cut off. Simply pick one out around the house or at your local grocery store that seems like a good fit! (We've had lots of feedback that Smart Water bottles are a great shape and size for this)
Regardless of size, any willy can be molded! All sizes, shapes, curves, foreskins, veins, and even piercings can be replicated into an identical, vibrating dildo!
More Tips for Creating a Successful Mold --
Understand the Instructions A Few Steps in Advance
When using the Clone A Willy kit, you must read the instructions fully and then re-read them about 2-3 steps at a time. Some of the steps are extremely time-sensitive, starting at the third step on the official Clone-A-Willy instructions. During the third step, pour 90 degrees F 1¾ cups of it into a mixing bowl with the molding powder (the two-minute timer should start as soon as the powder and water are combined). Now begins mixing for 45 seconds, and then immediately pour the entire mixture into the tube before the penis is inserted. At this time, the tube can be rotated slightly to ensure the penis is as centered in the mold as possible!
Know How to Maintain an Erection
The kit comes with a thermometer, so controlling the temperature of the water and making sure to time yourself during each step is relatively easy to accomplish (make sure your water comes directly from the faucet and is not heated up). Maintaining an erection for the entire time you are inserted into the molding tube is vital. If possible, a sexy helper is beneficial during this process. They not only can help "entertain" but can also be a second pair of eyes for reading and following the instructions.
Give Everything The Time It Deserves
Although the molding process is quick-moving, our kits are not only sex toys, but they are an unforgettable experience. Create space to enjoy it! After you've made an impression of your willy you have the option to let the mold set for 4-8 hours. The longer you let it sit, the more detail there will be.
The same thing applies after you pour in the silicone. We recommend waiting for a full 24 hours before trying to remove your new replica to ensure the silicone is 100% set. However, it can be removed earlier if you are on a time crunch. Just use your best judgment to make sure it is fully solidified.
Let Spills Dry
If any unset silicone or wet molding mixture gets anywhere, don't waste your time trying to mop up the spill unless you got it on something extremely delicate and valuable. We recommend wearing something that can get messy (or, for even more fun, nothing at all). It is also best to mold over a hard surface that can easily be cleaned). If you wait for it to dry, you'll notice that in the case of the molding mixture, it'll have hardened entirely and will be extremely easy to sweep up afterward.
Want to learn more? Check out our FAQ + How-To pages to learn more about molding! We are always here to help! Our Customer Care Team can be contacted by emailing
And most importantly, never forget, YOUR PART IS FINE ART!