Blog — neighbors copy dick
Clone-A-Willy Interview in
Our pal Arielle Kaplan (@whoregasmic on IG) interviewed folks in Washington Park NYC on behalf of the Clone-A-Willy team!
Spread The Love ~ DIY Molding
Kits That Bring You Closer 👼
Our Clone-A-Willy and Clone-A-Pussy DIY molding kits create space for craft, laughter, vulnerability, and intimacy that will bring you closer (with yourself or with that special someone)! Your part is art after all. Pro tip: The penis and vulva replicas made with...
12 Tips for Making a Copy of Your Penis
We realize that making a copy of your dick is something you probably don't do every day. The penis molding process can be a new and sometimes intimidating experience. When's the last time you stuck...
Cannabis, STI Awareness, and Sex Ed:
A Conversation With Lady Business 🧠
Here in Portland, we are #blessed to be surrounded by a plethora of badass babes! Creative babes, tech babes, business babes, foodie babes, educational babes, you name it, we have them. We have had the pleasure (pun intended) of working with the local social movement Lady...
Clone-A-Willy Plus+ Balls Kit Demo Video
It's finally here! The demo video for the Clone-A-Willy Plus+ Balls Kit! We're constantly striving to make our kits easier to use, and the biggest part of that is making sure our instructions are clear and streamlined. To achieve...
Celebrate Women's Month With Us!
We celebrated Women's Month with Ladies of Paradise last night for an evening of self-care through tarot, nail art, do-yourself cookie decoration, CBD massages, an awesome give-away, and an amazing amount pf love and laughter!
Clone A Willy Attends the Berlin Film Society’s
Erika Lust “XConfessions” Screening in Berlin (NSFW)
Still from “Some Never Awaken”. Credit: Erika Lust Last month, Clone A Willy had the opportunity to attend the Berlin Film Society’s steamy night of erotic short films by Erika...
The Steps to Cloning-A-Willy
1. MIX MOLDING GELThe first step of the cloning process is to create a precise negative mold of your willy. To achieve the highest level of detail, each Clone A Willy Kit contains a specially formulated...
Clone-A-Willy In Neighbors Starring Zac Efron, Seth Rogen, Rose Byrne
The original Clone-A-Willy kit has a part in the new Universal Pictures film, NEIGHBORS. Zac Efron and his frat-buddies use Clone A Willy to make and sell copies of their penises!
The Science of Sex: Is 3D Penis Printing a reality?
Though quite cool and no doubt the wave of the future, most of what you've heard about 3D printing has been a bit over-hyped (click HERE for an interesting narrative by a man who does it for a living). 3D printing, particularly the 3D printing of...
The Science of Sex: Not all silicones are the same - Tin vs Platinum-cure.
Silicone is justifiably considered the gold-standard of sex toy materials, but few people actually know that there are important differences in the types of silicones. CLONE-A-WILLY uses only a platinum catalyzed silicone. Below is a quick breakdown of tin-catalyzed vs platinum-catalyzed silicones.
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Copy your penis like the dudes in the Neighbors movie
When faced with a flooded basement and possible condemnation of their Delta Psi house, the frat boys of Neighbors use Clone-A-Willy kits to make copies of their dicks and sell them as dildos on campus.
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