August is almost over — cue summer scaries. We’re grasping at the remnants of summer, trying to fit in trips to the beach and outdoor movie nights, all to stave off the colder weather as long as possible. But what if we...
Summer is coming to a close, and we are all trying to squeeze in a few last adventures. But don't worry, it's never too late to be a hoe on the go! (and our kits make the best travel accessories) Whether you, 1. Just...
Cloning my dick was the best science experiment I never knew I needed. My friend didn’t realize he needed it, either, and that was probably the best part of that birthday present. I can’t wait to procrastinate for next year’s birthday present! Now, how can I clone this...
Congratulations your johnson is larger than average! We think willies of all shapes and sizes are perfect, but if your D is too big for our penis molding kits, you are a rarity. While big schlongs are the norm in most mainstream porn, the average size of...
We here at Empire Labs advertised our first retail do-it-yourself penis casting kit back in April of 1998. The small ad ran on the back page of the San Francisco Bay Guardian under our original name: Abacus VCE (try to find our ad in the image...