Top Ten Unconventional Places
to Go on a Date in Portland
It’s time to put a little more effort in the way you’re dating. This is the era where meeting for a drink in a dimly-lit bar while making small talk is no longer relevant. Below, we’ve listed our top ten locations to take your next potential lover(s) to.
10. Skidmore Bluffs — 2230 N Skidmore Ct.
Weather and motivation for adventure permitting, this grassy area overlooking Portland’s westside makes an ideal spot to take your time getting to know someone.
9. Mount Calvary Catholic Cemetery — 333 SW Skyline Blvd
Photo: Stephanie Yao Long
Imagine the view from the top of the hill more than the idea of being around the dead. Mount Calvary Catholic Cemetery opens up the forum between the you two (or more) to discuss meaningful topics, like existence.
8. Lloyd Center Mall — 2201 Lloyd Center
Photo: Travel Portland
If walking up and down that carpeted hall of consumerism doesn’t turn you on, this is the perfect place to spend your first date. Not only does this buy you time to see if you really enjoy the company, but gives you the perfect opportunity to people watch.
7. Portland Nursery — 5050 SE Stark St

Photo: the Danger Garden
You can tell a lot about a person by the way they interact with plants. Take the time to browse through all of the species and instead of buying cocktails, invest in green.
6. Yale Union — 800 SE 10th Ave
Photo: Art & About PDX
Whether you venture into Yale Union for an exhibition, performance or somehow get roof access, the wide open space sets the stage for infinite potential. This suggestion is primarily for casual daters amused by awkward silences.
5.Northeast Portland Tool Library — 431 NE 20th Ave
Photo: Martin Abegglen
It’s important to understand how well someone handles themselves in primal situations, like building shelter. Pick a tool and show your date how you would use it, in theory.
4. McMenamin’s Kennedy School Soaking Pool — 5736 NE 33rd Ave
Photo: Official Website
Cut to the chase and meet someone in a heated pool. While you’re soaking under the Mediterranean landscape, ask all of the direct questions you usually hold off on.
3.Hand Eye Supply’s Curiosity Club — 427 NW Broadway
Photo: Hand Eye Supply Instagram
Designers and design lovers, go to Curiosity Club’s meetings to co-experience a lecture and Q&A from someone you could learn new things from. Together, you and your date(s) will walk away more knowledgeable than when you said hello.
2. The American Legion — 2104 NE Alberta St.
Photo: Official Website
The American Legion hosts bingo nights as well as other game-oriented public events. It’s far from any bar obsessed with Edison bulbs. The interior space is worn and the usual company is honest and humble. This is a good thing.
1. Union Station — 800 Northwest Sixth Avenue

Photo: Reagan Frazier
Plan an impulsive getaway with a stranger. Pick a new place for everyone involved to travel to and get to know each other while you’re on the way to a potentially amazing or uncomfortable life experience.
Take advantage of what Portland truly has to offer: the potential for dating in strange and beautiful ways.