We celebrated Women's Month with Ladies of Paradise last night for an evening of self-care through tarot, nail art, do-yourself cookie decoration, CBD massages, an awesome give-away, and an amazing amount pf love and laughter!
When my ace partner becomes sexually aroused, I feel like the most special kiddo who gets to blow on some lit birthday candles-- except nowadays it’s a penis. This is the pilot of a sitcom and I stare into the camera, mid-handjob, frozen...
Every year we get tons of suggestions, praise, constructive criticism, and our favorite - personal stories of love, sex, craft, and how our kits have impacted relationships of all types! So we decided to share some of our favorites with you!
Our kits allow people to mold so much more than vulvas and penis'. Although we created a product that makes replicating those things super simple and fun, our molding kits can be used to copy a large variety of things in several shades of silicone colors!
From Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs and Greek Heroes to Beethoven and groupies, the history of body molding is full of idolization. Death Masks Rooted in the idealization of the dead, ancient Egyptians believed in the preservation of the body through mummification. In order for the departed...
What is your name? My grandmother likes to Google too much for you to know. What city were you born in? Santa Monica, California How long have you lived in Portland? 1 year How long have you worked at Empire...
The original Clone-A-Willy kit has a part in the new Universal Pictures film, NEIGHBORS. Zac Efron and his frat-buddies use Clone A Willy to make and sell copies of their penises!
1) What is your job with Empire Labs and how long have you worked here? I am VP of Sales & Marketing. I co-founded Empire Labs back in 2001. 2) What is the most unusual experience you've...