Sex-Positive Queer-Owned Businesses To Support

Photos from Cute Little Fuckers & 69 Herbs
Graphic by Kiah Nagasaka
We are celebrating Pride Month by highlighting sex-positive & wellness businesses that are queer-owned and lead! In honor of LGBTQIA history and empowerment, we put together an expansive list of companies enriching the world with their vibrant communities and products that focus on queer health, happiness, and pleasure!
(Hot tip: make sure to follow all of these on Instagram to stay in the know)
She Bop @sheboptheshop
Enby @shopenby
BlachQueerMagic @blackqueermagic
Cute Little Fuckers @cutelittlefuckers
No Sesso @nosesso
Other Nature @othernatureshop
SimiSex @simisexx_
Make Love Not Porn @makelovenotporn
Revel & Riot @revelandriot
69 Herbs @69herbs
Kandid @kandid
Carmen Liu @carmenliu
Otherwild @otherwild
Rainbow Depot @rainbowdepot
GC2B @gc2b
Origami Customs @origamicustoms
Gnat @gnat_glitter_kink
Boy Butter @boybutter
TomboyX @tomboyx
Good Vibrations @goodvibestoys
Official Rebrand @officalrebrand
Wet For Her @wetforher @odotschool
Dame @dameproducts
Sugar @sugartheshop
Mystery Vibe @mystervibe
Crave @lovecrave
Self Serve @selfservetoys
Feel More @feelmoreadult
Smitten Kitten @smittenkittenmn
Early To Bed @early2bed
Babeland @babelandtoys
The Butters @getthebutters
Automic Gold @automicgold
Betty's Toy Box @bettystoybox
Geeky Sex Toys @geeky_sex_toys
Flavnt Streetwear @flavnt_streetwear
Keep the conversation going -- email us at with any businesses we missed, and we will add them to the list!