A Spring Cleaning Self-Care Check-In 🌼

In case you couldn’t tell, we’re all about honoring and enjoying your body: that includes exploring new ways to do so. With an impending spring cleaning on the minds of many, why not extend that flush for the mind and body? We’ve come up with a few ways to do just that, while all of the suggestions below can either fit into a day or be drawn out into the next month.
Don’t fall into the craze of detoxes or diets. Instead, limit processed foods and sugar and feed yourself with food that makes you feel good. Do you have a farmer’s market or fresh produce available in your area? Pay a visit and make an adventure out of picking bright, organic fruit and veggies for a special meal.
Find a new form of movement that you’ve been putting off or have felt curious about lately. Whether you take a class online or in person, purchase basic gear to start with a new sport, or ask a friend to join in whatever you’d like to do, make sure it’s enjoyable.
Spend time either journaling, drawing, painting, or some other form of visual processing for how your social life currently is and where you’d like it to be. This, of course, extends to family and love interests, and perhaps a bit further as the more intimate the relationship, the more to think about. Ask yourself what you’d like from these current relationships and how you can be a better friend, family member, lover, partner.
Are you a morning person or more of a night warrior? Whichever it is, start a new ritual of finding space within that time you feel at your best, your most awake and alive, to appreciate the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual parts of yourself. It’s up to you whether you start small or on a larger scale. If you’ve already established this kind of practice, good for you! How can you go further?
Aaaaaand, one more thing: Have you ever involved one of our kits in a self-love practice? We want to hear about it! Send us a message on Instagram or tweet at us. We’d love to share your experience.