How to Make a Copy of a Penis
Congratulations! You've found your way to our amazing step by step guide to making a copy of a penis. Whatever your reason for needing an extra or several around, the easiest way to make it happen is to follow the steps laid out in the Clone-A-Willy penis casting directions.
If you actually purchase a Clone-A-Willy kit, everything you need will be included. If you're going solo, you'll need to buy material to create an initial mold; the Clone-A-Willy kit uses a medical grade alginate made from seaweed, which is entirely body safe. You will also need to buy whatever material you want to cast your end replica in – Clone-A-Willy kits come in many colors of platinum grade silicone for functional toy use, and several novelty styles, such as edible chocolate or a simple traditional plaster. Whatever you decide on, make sure you have enough of it to fill the mold.
Other things you will need are a tube to hold your mold, and some disposable mixing sticks.
Now you can move on to the step by step replicating process.
Mix your alginate, or whatever you're using to create the initial mold, with water. Pour this mixture into your tube and create a mold of yourself.
After the mixture sets, remove yourself from the tube, mix your silicone or whatever material you are using for your final replica, and pour it into the tube. Allow the silicone or material of choice to set as directed. When the replica has set, remove it from the tube, and voila! A perfect copy of your penis.
This has been How to Make a Copy of a Penis, courtesy of Clone-A-Willy. We hope this has been helpful and informative! It's really fun to create a cast and duplicate of your penis using these simple steps. Enjoy!